Sports Traumatology Open Access Journals
Sport traumatology is covering orthopedic surgery, especially as associated with sports
trauma and surgeries. Increasing participation and training intensity in sports and
physical activity has resulted in an increasing number of injuries also as recognition of "new" injuries. Improved diagnostic techniques like MRI, CT scan,
scintigraphy and ultrasound have proven to be valuable within the diagnosis of especially soft tissue injuries.
Surgery is today generally accepted because the treatment of choice for anterior cruciate ligament injuries within the active population. Arthroscopic reconstruction using the bone-patellar tendon-bone graft is taken into account to be the "gold standard". Alternative grafts like semitendinosus and gracilis also can be used. Understanding of shoulder injuries in athletes has developed enormously during the previous couple of years. Application of Arthroscopy technique when performing the subacromial decompression and
surgery of labral tears have allowed more athletes to return early to sports than before. Laboratory studies have increased our understanding of muscle injuries and that they show the importance of early mobilization. Prevention is going to be a serious issue for research within subsequent decade.
Open access (OA) may be a set of principles and a variety of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, freed from cost or other access barriers. With
open access strictly defined (according to the 2001 definition), or libre open access, barriers to copying or reuse also are reduced or removed by applying an open license for copyright. The most focus of the
open access movement is "peer reviewed research literature." Historically, this has centered mainly on print-based academic journals. Whereas conventional (non-open access)
journals cover publishing costs through access tolls like subscriptions, site licenses or pay-per-view charges, open-access
journals are characterised by funding models which don't require the reader to pay to read the journal's contents. Open access are often applied to all or any sorts of published research output, including peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed academic journal articles, conference papers, theses, book chapters, and monographs.
High Impact List of Articles
Establishment of an effective mechanism for public participation and feedback in urban and rural planning
Xiaohua Shi, Qiushi Xu Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Establishment of an effective mechanism for public participation and feedback in urban and rural planning
Xiaohua Shi, Qiushi Xu Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Urban residents' sports consumption level and consumer behavior - taking xi'an for example
Wang Fang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Urban residents' sports consumption level and consumer behavior - taking xi'an for example
Wang Fang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Research of sales process improvement based on customer satisfaction
Yan Li Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Research of sales process improvement based on customer satisfaction
Yan Li Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Effect of Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) on growth and survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum for production of probiotic milk and yoghurt
Mohammad Hossein Marhamatizadeh, Mohammad Davanian Mohaghegh, Atbin Askari Sarvestani, Paria Gholami, Sina Derakhshanian Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Effect of Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) on growth and survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum for production of probiotic milk and yoghurt
Mohammad Hossein Marhamatizadeh, Mohammad Davanian Mohaghegh, Atbin Askari Sarvestani, Paria Gholami, Sina Derakhshanian Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Physiology and growth of Pyrococcus sp. HT3 in bach culture with cellobiose and maltose as the principal carbon sources
Mouloud Kecha, Said Benallaoua, Francis Duchiron Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Physiology and growth of Pyrococcus sp. HT3 in bach culture with cellobiose and maltose as the principal carbon sources
Mouloud Kecha, Said Benallaoua, Francis Duchiron Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
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