Surgery Scholarly Peer-review Journal
Surgery is a medical process that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on an individual to research or treat a pathological condition like a disease or injury, to assist improve bodily process or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. The act of performing
surgery could also be called a surgery, operation, or just "surgery". During this context, the verb "operate" means to perform surgery. The adjective surgical means concerning surgery; e.g. surgical instruments or surgical nurse. The person or subject on which the
surgery is performed are often an individual or an animal. A surgeon may be a one that practices
surgery and a surgeon's assistant may be a one that practices surgical assistance. A surgical team is formed from surgeon, surgeon's assistant, anaesthetist, circulating nurse and surgical technologist.
Surgery usually spans minutes to hours, but it's typically not an ongoing or periodic sort of treatment. The term "surgery" also can ask the place where
surgery is performed, or, in British English, simply the office of a physician, dentist, or veterinarian. Peer-reviewed (refereed or scholarly)
journals - Articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts within the field before the article is published within the journal so as to make sure the article’s quality. (The article is more likely to be scientifically valid, reach reasonable conclusions, etc.) In most cases the reviewers don't know who the author of the article is, in order that the article succeeds or fails on its own merit, not the reputation of the expert.
High Impact List of Articles
Green Applications of Nanoparticles Derived from Spent Tea Leave as Solar Photocatalyst and Water Purifier
Savita B, Ganesh M, Shubham G, Sujala Bindu V and Shivakrishna P Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Green Applications of Nanoparticles Derived from Spent Tea Leave as Solar Photocatalyst and Water Purifier
Savita B, Ganesh M, Shubham G, Sujala Bindu V and Shivakrishna P Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Research on the role of learning, memory and adaptive abilities in the process of building library evaluation model
Langyu Xiong Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Research on the role of learning, memory and adaptive abilities in the process of building library evaluation model
Langyu Xiong Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Comprehensive evaluation of college students' physical education performances: an empirical study of Chinese students
Ke Zhang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Comprehensive evaluation of college students' physical education performances: an empirical study of Chinese students
Ke Zhang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Grey prediction model-based 2014 fencing world championship chinese team performance prediction in applied research
Zhiqiang Cai Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Grey prediction model-based 2014 fencing world championship chinese team performance prediction in applied research
Zhiqiang Cai Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
The study of evolutionary game model between the suppliers and manufacturers in green supply Chain
Xiaolin Zhu, Yongmei Guan Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
The study of evolutionary game model between the suppliers and manufacturers in green supply Chain
Xiaolin Zhu, Yongmei Guan Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
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