Nulliparity Scientific Journals
Nulliparity may be a condition that has been related to the event of some oncological gynecological diseases.
Cancer mortality rates in Catholic nuns (breast, ovarian and uterine) is above generally population and nulliparous women appear more vulnerable to these three cancers, as compared to parous women. It's suggested that in nulliparous women, the increased number of cycles between menarche and menopause expose to an increased risk of hormone-dependent cancers. The association between
nulliparity and other benign gynecological disorders, like an increased risk of endometriosis, and uterine fibroids, remains under discussion. Considering religious community an honest
model of an urban nulliparous women group living during a
low stress environment, this study aimed whether nulliparous women are more predisposed to the event of
menstrual disorders and related gynecological diseases. A life course view of women's
health offers a more unified and woman-centred approach to
health promotion,
disease prevention and management, with implications for long-term, cross-generational
health gain. This attitude highlights the potential for early intervention to scale back disease risk or severity, ensuring that medical care clinicians are aware of the reproductive histories of their patients. In academic publishing, a scientific journal may be a periodical publication intended to further the progress of science, usually by reporting new research. Articles in scientific
journals are mostly written by active scientists like students, researchers and professors rather than professional journalists. There are thousands of scientific
journals in publication, and lots of more are published at various points within the past (see list of scientific journals). Most
journals are highly specialized, although a number of the oldest
journals like Nature publish articles and scientific papers across a good range of scientific fields. Scientific
journals contain articles that are peer reviewed, in an effort to make sure that articles meet the journal's standards of quality, and scientific validity. Although scientific
journals are superficially almost like professional magazines, they're actually quite different. Problems with a scientific journal are rarely read casually, together would read a magazine. The publication of the results of research is an important a part of the methodology. If they're describing experiments or calculations, they need to supply enough details that an independent researcher could repeat the experiment or calculation to verify the results. Each such journal article becomes a part of the permanent scientific record.
High Impact List of Articles
Studies on Development of Non-Alcoholic Beverage from Grapes
Nithya Priya S and Jothi Vani B Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Studies on Development of Non-Alcoholic Beverage from Grapes
Nithya Priya S and Jothi Vani B Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Study and modelling of kinetics biosorption of methylene blue on biomass material from waste mint
T.Ainane, F.Khammour, O.Belghazi, M.Kabbaj, S.Yousfi, M.Talbi, M.Elkouali Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Study and modelling of kinetics biosorption of methylene blue on biomass material from waste mint
T.Ainane, F.Khammour, O.Belghazi, M.Kabbaj, S.Yousfi, M.Talbi, M.Elkouali Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Protective effects of polygonum multiflorum polysaccharide against H2O2-induced apoptosis in PC12
Yatao Xu, Xiuhong Jiang, Shumei Wang, Shengwang Liang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Protective effects of polygonum multiflorum polysaccharide against H2O2-induced apoptosis in PC12
Yatao Xu, Xiuhong Jiang, Shumei Wang, Shengwang Liang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Experimental study on classification process of fine iron ore tailings using hydrocyclone
Yuekan Zhang, Peikun Liu, Junru Yang, Xinghua Yang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Experimental study on classification process of fine iron ore tailings using hydrocyclone
Yuekan Zhang, Peikun Liu, Junru Yang, Xinghua Yang Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Prediction financial distress of firms based on GA-SVM
Fan tongke Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
Prediction financial distress of firms based on GA-SVM
Fan tongke Original Article: BioTechnology: An Indian Journal
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