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Tourism emanates from societal structures. Hence people are an integral a part of any tourism product. There are alternative ways to live the dimensions of the tourism industry, as tourism doesn't conform to the standard ways in which industries are defined, like manufacturing, forestry and other industries. Scholarly journal may be a peer-reviewed journal during which scholarship concerning a specific academic discipline is published. Scholarly journals function forums for the introduction and presentation for scrutiny of latest research, and therefore the critique of existing research. Content typically takes the shape of articles presenting original research, review articles, and book reviews. The term Scholarly journal applies to scholarly publications altogether fields; this text discusses the aspects common to all or any academic field journals. The separate published literature associated with the air transportation and tourism sectors is extensive. However, most air transportation publications don't explore in any detail the precise characteristics of tourists and therefore the tourism industry, whilst tourism publications tend to treat air transportation as one of a number of industry sectors that need consideration. Although a couple of texts do investigate the overall relationship between transport and tourism, there's limited specialise in air transportation , and none of those offer a completely up-to-date and critical view of relevant contemporary issues. A review later briefly discusses the key sources of literature associated with the air transportation and tourism relationship and in doing so demonstrates that there's no current publication that deals exclusively and comprehensively with the integral and contemporary role that air transportation plays for today’s tourists. 

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Citations : 543

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