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Radiology Importance

Radiology’s role is central to disease management, with a wide choice of tools and techniques available for the detection, staging and treatment. Diagnostic imaging provides detailed information about structural or disease related changes. Early diagnosis saves lives. Without diagnosis there can be no treatment, there can be no cure. Seeing the beginnings of interventional radiology, I recommended its name in an editorial. I additionally had the favorable luck to see the presentation of registered tomography (CT) and an innovation initially known as atomic attractive reverberation imaging. Along with individual individuals from an advisory group of the American College of Radiology and editors of esteemed radiological diaries, I participated in changing the name of the last methodology to MRI, liberating it from compromising ramifications.  
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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Secret Search Engine Labs

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