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Pharmacoanalysis And The Chemical Analysis

 Deleuze and Guattari advocate what they call 'pharmacoanalysis' as an ancillary, but nevertheless related, portion of schizoanalysis in A Thousand Plateaux. Chemical analysis, the study of chemical composition, and material structure. More generally, the corpus of all techniques from which some exact chemical knowledge is obtained can be considered. The goal of the research journal on Pharmacochemistry is to share research topics between experts from different professions and to advance impressive chemistry, the current science review. The book also seeks to create an efficient route of interaction between government departments and the education and research organizations. The Worldwide Pharmacochemistry Journal is a three-month online publication that publishes regular research papers, editorials, mini-reviews, brief communications and review articles on chemistry and pharmacoanalysis and compound chemical analysis in the form of small organic molecules such as insulin glargine, erythropoietin, and others. Pharmacochemistry's objectives are to create an effective Scientific Interaction Society between scientists and experts, govt agencies, educational and research organizations and individuals concerned with the complicated positions of chemical sciences and chemical analysis. It is also planned to distribute and coordinate developments from research laboratories to health organizations in the fields of chemical sciences.  

High Impact List of Articles

Relevant Topics in Chemistry

Awards Nomination 20+ Million Readerbase

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Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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