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DNA Sequencing Online Journals

 Sequencing DNA means the order of the four chemical building blocks that make up the DNA molecule, called "bases." Two major types of DNA sequencing are available. The older, classical method of finishing the chain is often called the Sanger method. New methods which can rapidly process a large number of DNA molecules are collectively called High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) or Next-Generation Sequencing ( NGS) techniques. Every piece of DNA was attached to a radioactive label, and an X-ray image was taken of the gel to make the DNA band positions clear. As the DNA parts move through the gel, the sequencing machine reads and stores this information in the order of DNA bases and stores this information in its computer memory.

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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Electronic Journals Library
  • Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)
  • Secret Search Engine Labs

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