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Journals Related To Ligand Based Drug Designing

 The Journal, Drug Designing: Open Access publishes the highest quality scientific articles amalgamating broad range of fields including molecular modeling, clinical research and drug discovery and delivery. The journal focuses on all fields of drug design including drug discovery, drug design by rational approach, target-based design, drug synthesis, drug metabolism, structure-based drug design, molecular modeling, ligand-based interaction, development of the generic drug, in silico chemoinformatics and bioinformatics technologies, receptor agonist/antagonist, protease substrate/inhibitor, peptidomimetic, Quality by design, Design for reliability in drug development, Design for traditional Chinese medicine clinical trials, Bayesian sequential design for multi-regional design, Design and analysis for target clinical trials, Design and analysis for diagnostic procedures, Adaptive design for early clinical development, Design for biosimilar studies, Design for bioassay development and validation, Design for statistical genetics, Design for assessment of drug to drug interaction, Design for bridging studies, Design for stability analysis, etc. This scientific journal includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office at Longdom Publishing promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts to maintain the quality of free journals. The jounal is among the best open access journals and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field.

High Impact List of Articles

Relevant Topics in General Science

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 543

Environmental Science: An Indian Journal received 543 citations as per Google Scholar report

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