Environmental Science: An Indian Journal ISSN (PRINT):0974-7451
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Indexed Journals In Automobile Engineering
Automobile Engineering is a branch of engineering which offers with designing, manufacturing and working vehicles. It is a section of automobile engineering which incorporates mechanical, electric, electronic, software and safety factors. Automobile engineers maintain a huge type of obligations. Their primary purpose is to maximize the feasibility and design of cars retaining prices to an absolute minimal. The Journal of Advances in Automobile Engineering is an educational magazine – a pioneer in open get admission to publishing and is listed a number of the pinnacle 10 journals in Automobile Engineering. Each year research scientists have noticed a rise in the wide variety of congresses being held on this discipline. The Journal of Advances in Automobile Engineering offers a completely unique platform to researchers and scientist to discover the advanced and latest studies traits inside the discipline of Automobile Engineering, thus bridging the space between researchers and younger scientists.