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Concrete is the most generally utilized man-made material on earth. It is a significant development material utilized broadly in structures, extensions, streets and dams. Its uses run from auxiliary applications, to paviours, kerbs, funnels and depletes. Concrete is a composite material, comprising for the most part of Portland concrete, water and total (rock, sand or rock). At the point when these materials are combined, they structure a functional glue which at that point bit by bit solidifies after some time. For the various kinds, see Types of concrete.A material like cement was first evolved by the Egyptians, comprising of lime and gypsum. Commonly, lime, chalk or shellfish shells kept being utilized as the concrete framing operator until the mid 1800s. In 1824, Portland concrete, a blend of limestone and mud was singed and ground, and from that point forward, this has remained the dominating establishing specialist utilized in solid creation.

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Citations : 468

Materials Science: An Indian Journal received 468 citations as per Google Scholar report

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