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Bone Scholarly Peer-review Journal

 Bone Top Open Access Journals is an open access journal that showcases cutting-edge research in this field of Bone and Joint Surgery, Calcified Tissue, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Bone & Joint Research. Arthritis, Arthroplasty, Arthrodesis, Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Joint Replacement, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Knee Osteoarthritis, Knee Replacement, Osteoarthritis diet, Osteoarthritis Etiology, Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery, Joint Disorder, Total Hip Replacement, Neurobiology, Pain, Clinical Research, Immunology, Medicine, and Bone Research are also covered under the scope of this Journal in order to spark interest, debate and discussion amongst Orthopaedics of all disciplines. As bone and joint disorders are highly prevalent across the world, and is one of the key diseases predominantly afflicting people, the Journal caters to a wide section of people including researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and common people, in addition to the scholars. All the articles published in the journal have a considerable impact in the field of clinical orthopedics, bone and joint disorders. The Journal of Bone Research assembles together an extraordinary Editorial Board, which comprises of noted scholars in the field. Submitted manuscripts are subjected to stringent peer review by the subject experts. Not limiting to Research Articles, the journal welcomes high quality Commentaries, Reviews, and Perspectives encapsulating the latest breakthroughs and developments in the field of bone and joint research.  

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