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Cereal Peer Review Journals

A cereal is any grass developed for the palatable segments of its grain which comprises the endosperm, germ, and wheat. The primary oat grains utilized for nourishments incorporate corn (maize), wheat, grain, rice, oats, rye, millet, and sorghum. Oats are additionally utilized in various enterprises as underway of glucose, glues, oils, liquor and food preparing ventures too. They are low in immersed fat, however is a wellspring of polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 linolenic corrosive and an amazing wellspring of sugars. Oats are a nutritious oat decision. Breakfast oat (or essentially oat) is a conventional breakfast food produced using prepared oat grains, fundamentally in Western social orders. Wheat is one of the most old and trained grains and rice being the second generally utilized and staple harvests in significant Asian nations. Their grasses are being utilized as creature feed and raising animals. Oat, additionally called grain, any grass (family Poaceae) yielding boring seeds. Nowadays gluten free bundled oats and oats are likewise being utilize and have increased an extraordinary fame in a most recent couple of years. Oats are presently been strengthened with nutrients and different minerals and thus improving their dietary benefits. 

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Citations : 1106

Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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