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Food Processing and Technology an Open Access OMICS Publishing Journal including incorporates a lot of physical, concoction or microbiological strategies and methods used to transmute crude fixings into food and its change into different structures in food handling industryInside the OMICS there are numerous other serious Journals like Nutritional Disorders and Therapy, Vitamins and Minerals, Nutrition and Food Sciences, Bioprocessing and Biotechniques , and so on are similarly contending with the Journal of Food Processing and Technology. The Impact factor of the Journal of Food Processing and Technology is 3.647 and the Index Copernicus Value: 4.93 is and soon it will be listed in ISI and Scopus. The Journal of Food Processing and Technology is a presumed Journal of OMICS International with ordinary month to month Issue Releases and step by step the nature of the original copies is separated as often as possible.

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