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Placental Biology Research Articles

 Placental biology can be termed as the developmental biology of the Amniotic fluid and placenta. placenta can be defined as temporary organ joins the mother and fetus by tranferring nutrients and oxygen from mother to feutus and allowing relaease co2,waste products from feutus. The fetal placenta (Chorion frondosum), which develops from the same blastocyst that forms the fetus, and the maternal placenta (Decidua basalis), which develops from the maternal uterine tissue. It metabolizes a number of substances and can release metabolic products into maternal or fetal circulations. The placenta is expelled from the body upon birth of the fetus. Placentas probably first evolved about 150 million to 200 million years ago. The protein syncytin, which makes up the physical barrier between mother and baby in the syncytiotrophoblast, has a certain RNA signature in its genome that has led to the hypothesis that it originated from an ancient retrovirus: essentially a "good" virus that helped pave the transition from egg-laying to live-birth.  

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Citations : 1106

Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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