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Phytophthora Cinnamomi

  Phytophthora cinnamomi lives in the dirt and in plant tissues, can take various shapes and can move in water. During times of cruel ecological conditions, the creatures become lethargic chlamydospores. At the point when ecological conditions are appropriate, the chlamydospores develop, delivering mycelia (or hyphae) and sporangia. The sporangia mature and discharge zoospores, which taint plant roots by entering the root behind the root tip. Zoospores need water to swim through the dirt, along these lines disease is in all probability in damp soils. Mycelia develop all through the root retaining starches and supplements, decimating the structure of the root tissues, "decaying" the root, and keeping the plant from engrossing water and supplements. Sporangia and chlamydospores structure on the mycelia of the tainted root, and the pattern of disease proceeds to the following plant.Early indications of contamination incorporate shrinking, yellowing and maintenance of dried foliage and obscuring of root shading. Disease frequently prompts demise of the plant, particularly in dry summer conditions when plants might be water focused. 

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Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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