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Cytopathology may be a diagnostic procedure that examines cells from various body sites to work out the cause or the character of disease. The first cytopathology test developed was the Pap test , which has been widely utilized within the last 50 years for screening and diagnosing of cervical cancer and its precursors. In general, the advantages of Diagnostic Cytopathology are that it is a non-invasive, Simple procedure, helps in faster reporting, is relatively inexpensive, has high population acceptance and facilitates cancer screening in the field. Limitations of Cytopathology: As a rule, histopathology remains the gold standard technique in diagnostic pathology. The whole presented tissue definitely provides a more accurate precise diagnosis of the disease in question. The interpretation of the morphological cellular changes is predicated mainly on individual observations and sometimes can't be forced into rigid criteria. Thus, in many cases the cytological diagnosis can't be final and wishes confirmation by histopathology for the subsequent reasons: • Often the character of the lesion isn't so obvious as in a histological section. • The location of the lesion is difficult to be pinpointed by cytology: for example a squamous cancer cells found in a cytology sputum sample may have originated from the buccal mucosa, pharynx, larynx or bronchi. • The size of the lesion cannot be approximated by cytology. • The type of the lesion –e.g., in situ carcinoma as compared with early invasion is more difficult to assess since the relationship of the cells to the surrounding stroma cannot be determined by cytology. 

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