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Biophysics Companies

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that applies techniques and methods to the study of biological phenomena commonly used in physics. Biophysics companies have just started exploring the Biophysics research. In aquaculture, animal food production, plant biotechnology, there are many companies which develop the products. Biophysics firms ultimately concentrate on genetic disease management, enhancing the plant products. Biophysics has its own challenges since it is an emerging field that Biophysics companies have to overcome, besides the scientist doing research in it. Trade Science Inc. is an international publisher of science, technology and medicine which emerged as an open access journal in compliance with the demands of the scientific community. The journal therefore gives writers the possibility of publishing their valuable manuscript in an open access model. Trade Science Inc. produces scholarly, technological and science work that reaches a wide range of audiences including scholars, educators, practitioners and students. For further the scientific work, it brings the latest developments in science and technology as reference material.

High Impact List of Articles

Relevant Topics in Chemistry

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 9398

International Journal of Chemical Sciences received 9398 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Google Scholar
  • Open J Gate
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
  • Cosmos IF
  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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