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Antioxidant agents are substances that can forestall or ease back harm to cells brought about by free radicals, temperamental particles that the body produces as a response to ecological and other pressures. The wellsprings of cancer prevention agents can be common or fake. Certain plant-based nourishments are believed to be wealthy in cell reinforcements. Plant-based cell reinforcements are a sort of phytonutrient, or plant-based supplement. The body likewise delivers a few cancer prevention agents, known as endogenous cell reinforcements. Cancer prevention agents that originate from outside the body are called exogenous. Free radicals are squander substances delivered by cells as the body forms food and responds to nature. On the off chance that the body can't process and evacuate free radicals productively, oxidative pressure can result. This can hurt cells and body work. Free radicals are otherwise called reactive oxygen species (ROS).   Variables that expansion the creation of free radicals in the body can be interior, for example, irritation, or outside, for instance, contamination, UV introduction, and tobacco smoke. Oxidative pressure has been connected to coronary illness, malignant growth, joint pain, stroke, respiratory ailments, invulnerable insufficiency, emphysema, Parkinson's infection, and other fiery or ischemic conditions. Cell reinforcements are said to help kill free radicals in our bodies, and this is thought to support in general wellbeing.