Fenugreek seeds: An evidence-based nutraceutical for fitness and sport industries
Author(s): Dilip GhoshA scientific research on fenugreek seeds and its standardized extracts has demonstrated its potential for effective and safe natural medicine ingredient for development of fitness and sport nutrition products. The list of potential health benefits of Fenugreek is continuing to grow with new clinical evidence. Therefore, fenugreek, which possesses phenolic compounds, bioactive amino acids, glycosides and antioxidant activity, could be a good candidate for nutraceutical therapeutic use. Robust scientific research on products rich in standardized extracts of fenugreek seeds demonstrated evidence of safety and efficacy as Testosterone Booster, Body Composition, And Post-Exercise Recovery through various randomized placebo control clinical studies. Fenugreek seed-based ingredients coupled with consistent quality and good manufacturing facility can developed for successful performance and fitness nutrition products. Despite the impressive scientific and clinical profile of fenugreek, consumer understanding is still in its infancy and scientific promotion of this herb need to focus on this important commercial hurdle. This presentation will cover both traditional and modern medicinal use of Fenugreek.
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