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Phyto-pharmacological review of Terminalia chebula Retz.

Author(s): Hukkeri1, M.P.Joshi, M.N.Deshpande, S.K.Nagare, A.M.Korgaonkar

In the present study Herbal drug Terminalia chebula Retz. Commonly known as Myrobalan cultivated throughout India mainly for its multipurpose use, was selected for review. Terminalia chebula is used commonly as a constituent of Triphala churna – an herbal formulation. The plant is traditionally used for treatment of chronic ulcers, wound, as a gargle in stomatitis & as laxative. It also has antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic antiviral and antibacterial activity. In this review we have explored the phyto- pharmacological properties of T. Chebula and compiled its vast pharmacological applications to comprehend and synthesize the subject of its potential image ofmultipurpose medicinal agent.

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Citations : 1106

Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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