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Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive surgery differs from face lift because plastic surgery is completed for a medical reason. Most insurance companies cover plastic surgery that's needed after cancer treatment. plastic surgery is most ordinarily needed after some sorts of surgery to get rid of the cancer. for Instance, an individual may prefer to have plastic surgery after a mastectomy. A mastectomy is that the surgical removal of the breast. it's a kind of treatment for Carcinoma. Another example is when a surgeon replaces tissue or nerves removed during treatment for head and neck cancer or Carcinoma. Many reconstructive surgeries use microvascular techniques. this is often also called “free flap surgery.” during this sort of surgery, the surgeon takes tissue and blood vessels from 1 a part of the person’s body and moves them to the damaged part. this is often called transplantation. The surgeon connects the blood vessels using small stitches only visible with a microscope. The stitches connect the tissue and blood vessels to those at the new site.   

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