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Nano Computing

  A Nano PC is a PC whose physical estimations are minute. The field of Nano-computing emerges from creating field of nanotechnology. Electronic Nano PCs work likewise like the microcomputers work. More transistor s is squeezed into silicon contributes turn creating incorporated circuits (IC s) prompting development of capacity breaking point and handling power. An authoritative limit to the number of transistors for each unit volume is constrained by the atomic structure of issue. In the electronic sense, the term Nano-PC is relative. By 1970s measures, the present traditional chip might be called Nano gadgets. A journal is as periodical publication planned to additionally advance of science, normally by announcing new research. Most diaries are profoundly particular, albeit probably the most established diaries distribute articles, audits, publications, short correspondences, letters, and logical papers over a wide scope of logical fields. Diaries contain articles that friend evaluated, trying to guarantee that articles fulfill the diary's guidelines of value, and scientific legitimacy. Each such diary article turns out to be a piece of the lasting logical record. The Journal of Computer Science and Systems Biology remembers a wide scope of fields for its order to make a stage for the creators to make their commitment as survey, research, small audit, short correspondence and so forth towards the diary and the article office guarantees a companion audit process for the submitted original copies for quality distributing.    

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