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Microbial Pathogenesis Peer Reviewed Journals

Microbial pathogenesis is a fascinating and complex phenomenon, with the pathogens utilizing a variety of virulence factors that all contribute to their pathogenic profile. However, blockage of any one of these key steps usually results in severe attenuation. Thus, vaccines that block a particular step should also block infection or tissue damage. Most vaccines have been developed against prominent bacterial surface structures, such as capsules, carbohy-drates, toxins, and fimbriae. This is due to historical reasons, including their surface exposure and ease of purification. However, we now realize that many of the key virulence factors are tightly regulated and are expressed only at a particular tissue site at a particular stage of infection. It will be important to take this specific regulation into consideration when attempting to develop vaccines.   Finding a globally conserved virulence factor to vaccinate against is difficult. However, type III secretion systems play a central role in many gram-negative infections and are fairly conserved among the pathogens. In addition, they have components on their surface that would make logical vaccine targets. Type III effectors are quite pathogen-specific and usually are injected into host cells, both significant factors to consider when contemplating vaccine development. Similarly, development of vaccines against virulence factors that affect trafficking of intracellular pathogens will require clever vaccine strategies.

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