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Nanotechnology Enhanced Oral Bioavailability in Saudi Arabia: A Meta- Analysis

Author(s): Andrew James*

In terms of drug delivery methods, oral administration stands out as the best option because it guarantees excellent patient compliance. But the inability of medications to dissolve in water and their insufficient metabolic/enzymatic stability are the main barriers to effective oral drug administration. Nanotechnology based drug delivery systems offer the potential to overcome the issues with oral medication delivery, among other approaches. Nanotechnology based drug delivery systems provide an alternative to administer antihypertensive drugs with improved therapeutic impact and bioavailability. In this study, data on the improvement of oral bioavailability (Area Under the plasma Concentration time curve, AUC) by nanotechnology were combined from various investigations using meta-analysis of the 37 papers total in this study, 21 studies from the country of Saudi Arabia were included in a particular meta-analysis. According to the investigation, the formulations based on nanotechnology had an overall improvement power of 7.94% for medication bioavailability.

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