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Antiulcer Activity of Abutilon Indicum (L.), Sweet, Leaf Extract using Different Experimental Models

Author(s): R. A. Malgi, K. K Hullatti, I. J. Kuppasta and S. K. Singh

Abutilon indicum (L.)., sweet, belong to the family Malvaceae extensively used in traditional system of medicine for various ailments such as fever, dysentery, mouth wash and it is also used in the treatment of ulcer. The antiulcer activity was performed using models such as aspirin + pylorus ligation, ethanol induced and acetic acid induced ulcer model. The effect of the extract on volume of gastric content, pH, total and free acidity using the aspirin + pylorus ligation model were also evaluated. From the result, it was observed that the treatment with Abutilon indicum leaf extract significantly reduced the ulcer index (P <0.001) in alcoholic and aqueous extracts compared to that of control group in aspirin + pylorusligation, alcoholic and acetic acid induced ulcer model at a dose of (400 mg/kg, p. o). Famotidine at a dose of (20 mg/kg) was used as standard drug. The model of gastric acid secretion show a reduction in volume of gastric content, increased in pH, free and total acidity. The present study reveals that Abutilon indicum leaf extract displays gastro-protective activity.

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