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Phylogenetics Open Access

 Open-access phylogenetics journals are scientific journals that are accessible freely to the reader "without political , legal or technological obstacles other than those inseparable from having access to the internet itself. The advantages and drawbacks of open-access phylogenetics journals are the objects of much debate among scholars and publishers. Some obvious advantages of open-access Phylogenetics journals include free access to scientific papers irrespective of affiliation with a subscription library, lower academic and industrial research costs, as well as Improved access for the general public and increased author citation rates. Phylogenetics is a journal devoted to providing analyzes, observations and data on critical problems in understanding the fields of Evolutionary Biology. The promotion of open access is crucial to promoting innovation, socio-economic development and knowledge flow around the world. As such, Open Access can be defined as a resource that essentially serves public welfare to boost global science growth while maintaining the quality of scientific achievements.

High Impact List of Articles

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Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 627

Research & Reviews in BioSciences received 627 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Secret Search Engine Labs
  • Euro Pub

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