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Neuropsychology Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Neuropsychology is a field of psychology that is concerned with how the brain and the rest of the nervous system affect the perception and actions of a individual. Most specifically, practitioners in this field of psychology also concentrate on how brain damage or disease impacts executive processes and behaviors. Neuropsychology researches the structure and function of the brain as it applies to particular psychological processes and behavior. This is seen as a scientific and experimental field of psychology aimed at researching, evaluating, recognizing habits that are directly linked to brain function. The term neuropsychology has been used for sore studies in both humans and animals. Scholarly peer review is the method of subjecting the author's academic work , study or ideas to the examination of those who are experts in the same field before a paper detailing the work is published in a journal. Work can be approved, deemed to be suitable with revisions or refused. Peer review requires a community of experts in a given (narrowly defined) field who are qualified and able to carry out a reasonably impartial review. 

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Citations : 627

Research & Reviews in BioSciences received 627 citations as per Google Scholar report

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