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Neuropsychological Health

Neuropsychology looks at how the health of your brain affects your thinking skills and behaviour. These tests are usually through with a pencil and paper during a doctor's office. They may also be done on a computer. Or,a neuropsychologist may ask you a series of questions that you simply answer orally. Neuropsychological disorders vary in prevalence, base rates, sorts of impairments, and functional changes over the course of an individual's lifespan, with different immediate and late effects also needless to say outcomes. A neuropsychologist may be a psychologist who focuses on understanding the connection between the physical brain and behaviour. The brain is complex. Disorders within the brain and Nervous System can alter behaviour and cognitive function. According to the University of Rochester center , the role of a neuropsychologist is to know how brain structures and systems relate to behaviour and thinking. Neuropsychologists have a doctorate in psychology and training in neuropsychology. They often work in research or clinical settings. Neuropsychologists evaluate and treat people with various sorts of  Nervous System disorders. They work closely with doctors, including neurologists. Illnesses, injuries, and diseases of the brain and Nervous System can affect the way an individual feels, thinks, and behaves. 

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