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Gerontology Drugs Scholarly Peer Review Journal

Geriatrics, or geriatric medicine, is a claim to fame that centers around human services of old people. It plans to advance wellbeing by forestalling and rewarding illnesses and inabilities in more established grown-ups. There is no set age at which patients might be under the consideration of a geriatrician, or geriatric doctor, a doctor who works in the consideration of old individuals. Or maybe, this choice is dictated by the individual patient's needs, and the accessibility of an authority. It is essential to take note of the contrast between geriatrics, the consideration of matured individuals, and gerontology, which is simply the investigation of the maturing procedure. The term geriatrics originates from the Greek γέρων geron signifying "elderly person", and ιατρÏÂŒς iatros signifying "healer". In any case, geriatrics is some of the time called clinical gerontology. 
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Citations : 627

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