Cerebral Thrombosis
Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a blood clot of a cerebral vein in the brain. This vein is responsible for draining blood from the brain. If blood collects in this vein, it will begin to leak into brain tissues and cause a hemorrhage or severe brain swelling. When caught early, CVT can be treated without causing life-threatening complications. Blood clots are more likely to occur in your body when there is an interruption in regular blood flow. While CVT is an uncommon condition, it can be triggered by a number of factors. Some of the most common risk factors include
birth control or excess
estrogen use, Dehydration, ear, face, or neck infection, protein deficiencies, head
trauma or injury, obesity, cancer, tumor. Less common risk factors for CVT include pregnancy and other blood clotting disorders. Both conditions can make blood clot more easily, affecting proper blood flow throughout the body and the brain. In infants, the most common cause of CVT is infection, specifically in the ear. In some cases of CVT, the cause is unknown. If left untreated, CVT can have life-threatening consequences.