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Batchelor Vortex

The Batchelor vortex is an approximate solution to the Navier-Stokes equations obtained using a boundary layer approximation. The physical reasoning behind this approximation is the assumption that the axial gradient of the flow field of interest is of much smaller magnitude than the radial gradient. Journal of Vortex Science and Technology is one of the top open access journals in Batchelor vortex. All published articles are permanently archived and available at OMICS Group website in HTML, Digital, Audio and PDF formats. Through Open Access publications, scientists and research scholars can avoid subscription fees and copyright and licensing restrictions to access free scholarly literature. OMICS Group publishes the best open access journals and offers free access to quality and original research work to the scholarly community. OMICS Group International through its Open Access Initiative is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community. OMICS Group hosts over 700+ peer-reviewed journals and organize over 3000+ International Scientific Conferences annually all over the world. Journal of Vortex Science and Technology provide an ongoing continuing education series providing topical reviews and updates relevant to Gravitation, Wireless and Tesla’s Transmission, Environmental monitoring, Biological effectiveness, Cell communication by scalar waves.

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