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Reevaluation [Λ_(H_0 )]CHP Hubble Parameters to Decoding [V_(Λ_(H_0 ) )]AUE Universe Accelerate

Author(s): Rizwan Ul Hassan*, Anfal Fatima, Shahzaib, Hanzla Jameel

The cosmological parameters, specifically Baryon Cosmological Parameter (BCP) and Dark Cosmological Parameters (DCP), are accelerating more apace than we expected. This accelerated our understanding of its functions in covariance to expansion parameters. The Hubble tension is a long-familiar question in the exploration of cosmological parameters. The measurement of the Hubble constant (H0), unveils a disparity in how apace the BCP and DCP. Diametrical ways of measuring parameters yield various results, highlighting the realness that numerous questions in this domain remain unanswered. This gap brings to light question regarding our existing of cosmological parameters known(ΛCDM) , and suggest the necessity of incorporating new parameter, often referred to as DPP method, to gain a understanding of accelerated universe [ð??ð??ð?¬ð?¬ð»ð»0 ]. This theory integrate a between the Hubble equation, both BCP and DCP are accelerate cosmological Hubble parameter [ð?¦ð?¦ð?¯ð?¯ð??ð??]. This integration pertains to how [ð?¦ð?¦ð?¯ð?¯ð??ð??]Cosmological Hubble parameters evolve across the past, present, and future dimensions. Our proposition is that both BCP and DCP influenced by stochastic variable in diametrical domain characterized by dissent magnitude of matter. The conjunctive mass term, volume term, and ð?¦ð?¦ð?¯ð?¯ð??ð??]CHP in this theory provide a new perspective on BCP, specifically DCP and Hubble Tension. This theory discusses that the reevaluation of our current understanding of BCP and DCP is necessary to integrates for this ð?½ð?½ð?¦ð?¦ð?¯ð?¯ð??ð?? Accelerate of Universe Expansion changes. This adjustment could help us understand one of the biggest mysteries in modern cosmology

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