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Estimation of Uric Acid from Serum and Urine at the Regional Hospital in Koya-Iraq

Author(s): Nigar Idris Ismail, Shawnm Omar Abdullah ,Sarmad Raheem Kareem

Genetics, drug metabolism and diet are the main causes of high concentrations of uric acid in serum and blood which may indicate a variety of diseases. This study was performed to quantitative analysis of uric acid in both serum and blood from 42 persons (They do not have any other particular diseases) at Shahid Dr. Khalid`s hospital, Koya-Iraq. The volunteers were divided into two categories such as; half patients and half healthy (controls). The serum was separated using a centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes. Subsequently the quantitative levels of uric acid have been determined via biolabo kit and a single-beam spectrophotometer at 520 nm. The urine samples were also centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes and then examined under a microscope 40X for finding the urate uric acid. The results showed that the amount of uric acid in serum and urate uric acid is directly proportional and the severe cases have related disease such as kidney failure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes

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