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Antifungal potency of cow urine

Author(s): H.S.Ravikumar Patil, H.K.Makari, H.Gurumurthy, H.L.Ragavendra, D.M.Chetan, H.S.Anil Kumar

The milk, curd, ghee, urine, and dung of cow are considered to be scared, as they possess some medicinal properties .usage of cow urine in fields confers resistance to plants against pathogens and pests. To give a scientific basis,we collected cowurine fromIndian breed cow(malnad gidda) in early morning. The urine was tested against pathogens Fusarium oxysporum, Claviceps purpurea, Rhizopus oligosporus,Asprigulus oryzae obtained fromNCIM, Pune, Curvularia spp,Alternaria helianthi and Cladosporiumspp were collected fromthe infected plants parts and the activitywas tested against Penilliumnotatumand Trichoderma viridae. Poison food technique to check the antifungal effect of cow urine. Considerable reduction in colony diameter and extent of sporulation was recorded on SabouraudÂ’s agar plates. Number of spores germinated in the presence of cow urine was also less when compared to control.. The experiment has given another observation that the older cow urine has got more efficiency than the freshly collected urine samples as it induced stress to the test organism to produce secondary metabolites, which were antimicrobial.

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