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Microbial Biotechnology Scholarly Journal

The biological processes of microorganisms are wont to make and preserve useful food products for quite 6000 years. Microbial biotechnology or industrial microbiology is that the use of microorganisms to get an economically valuable product or activity at a billboard or large scale. The microorganisms utilized in industrial processes are natural, laboratory-selected mutant or genetically engineered strains. Economically valuable products like alcohols, solvents, organic acids, amino acids, enzymes, fermented dairy products, food additives, vitamins, antibiotics, recombinant proteins and hormones, biopolymers, fertilizers, and biopesticides are produced by microorganisms that are utilized in chemical, food, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and other industries. Biodegradation and biotransformation of complex compounds, domestic and industrial wastewater treatment, biomining, and enhanced oil recovery are samples of microbially valuable activities. An academic or scholarly journal may be a periodical publication during which scholarship concerning a specific academic discipline is published. Academic journals function permanent and transparent forums for the presentation, scrutiny, and discussion of research. They're usually peer-reviewed or refereed. Content typically takes the shape of articles presenting original research, review articles, and book reviews. The aim of a tutorial journal, consistent with Henry Oldenburg (the first editor of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society), is to offer researchers a venue to "impart their knowledge to at least one another, and contribute what they will to the Grand design of improving natural knowledge, and perfecting all Philosophical Arts, and Sciences.  

High Impact List of Articles

Relevant Topics in Biochemistry