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Effluent Treatment Research Articles
Effluent treatment plant (ETP) may be a plant where the ultimate waste water or effluent of the plant is treated. This waste water generally includes floor wash water/used service water, storm water and water laden with coal particles from stack yard areas which are directed from the most drains of the plant. It must be noted that water from the method drains are generally not treated in ETP. Effluent treatment plant (ETP) may be a plant where the ultimate waste water or effluent of the plant is treated. This waste water generally includes floor wash water/used service water, storm water and water laden with coal particles from stack yard areas which are directed from the most drains of the plant. It must be noted that water from the method drains are generally not treated in ETP. "A research article is a primary source...that is, it reports the methods and results of an original study performed by the authors. The kind of study may vary (it could have been an experiment, survey, interview, etc.), but in all cases, raw data have been collected and analyzed by the authors, and conclusions drawn from the results of that analysis. Research articles follow a particular format. Look for a brief introduction will often include a review of the existing literature on the topic studied, and explain the rationale of the author's study. This is important because it demonstrates that the authors are aware of exisiting studies, and are planning to contribute to this existing body of research in a meaningful way (that is, they're not just doing what others have already done)."