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Chemical differentiation and quantitative analysis of Black Ginseng are conducted using an LC-MS method combined with multivariate statistical analysis

Author(s): Irina S. Joseph*

Ginseng has long been recognized for its potential health benefits and has been widely used in traditional medicine. Recently, the emergence of Black Ginseng, a processed form of white or red ginseng, has gained significant attention due to its enhanced bioactivity and unique chemical composition. This review article focuses on the application of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) combined with multivariate statistical analysis for the chemical differentiation and quantitative analysis of Black Ginseng. The comprehensive utilization of this analytical approach has shed light on the complex bioactive compounds in Black Ginseng and their potential health implications. In this review, we summarize recent advancements in LC-MS techniques and multivariate statistical analysis used in the study of Black Ginseng, aiming to provide valuable insights into its characterization and potential applications.

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