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A Facile Approach to Creating Sensitive and Selective Cu(II) Sensors on Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes

Author(s): Irina S. Joseph*

The identification and measurement of Cu(II) ions in different environmental, biological, and industrial samples are highly crucial owing to their potentially harmful effects and wide distribution. To address this issue, this review article delves into an innovative and straightforward approach for creating sensitive and selective Cu(II) sensors using carbon fiber microelectrodes. By combining carbon fiber microelectrodes with specific ligands or functional materials, a promising platform has emerged for rapid, accurate, and on-site detection of Cu(II). This article provides a comprehensive examination of the underlying principles, fabrication methods, and performance characteristics of these sensors, emphasizing their potential applications and future possibilities. The integration of carbon fiber microelectrodes with selective ligands or materials offers a promising solution for detecting Cu(II) in various samples, facilitating its monitoring and contributing to the understanding and management of its’ potential toxic effects in the environment and living organisms. Moreover, these sensors hold the potential to be utilized in diverse industrial settings for monitoring Cu(II) levels, ensuring safety, and preventing potential contamination. Looking ahead, further research and development in this area could lead to even more advanced and versatile Cu(II) sensors, with broader applications and enhanced sensitivity, ultimately benefiting environmental and human health.

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