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White Rot
White Rot may be a fungus that prefers weather (it won’t grow above 20-22 degrees C). It doesn’t have functional spores, and it only can spread by being physically moved around, surviving in the soil as small, round, seed-like structures known as sclerotia. White rot disease is caused by the soilborne fungus Sclerotium cepivorum. Plants most commonly are infected through the soil, where the dormant pathogen can survive for periods of up to 20 years. The severity of the disease is strongly associated with the amount of of fungus in the soil These sclerotia can survive in the soil for decades. White rot also can be carried around as active mold inside a plant. White-rot fungi (WRF) are a heterogeneous group of fungi that belong to basidiomycetes. More than 90% of all wood-rotting basidiomycetes are of the white-rot . The WRF are more commonly found on angiosperm than on gymnosperm tree species in nature, and that they may cause n"art-9">White Rot appears on Alliums as a fluffy white growth, which develops at the bottom of the bulb. It generally it’s found in the first two feet of soil.
Prevention, Treatment and Control ; Hot Water Bath (before planting), Diluted Bleach or Alcohol Bath, Root Exudate Solution (before planting), Cessation of irrigation (when disease is observed in the soil), Compost tea, Roguing, Flooding, Solarization, Crop rotation