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Science Journals In Bone Marrow
Academic journals are periodicals in which researchers publish their findings, mostly the recent ones. Academic journals are typically peer-reviewed journals that publish theoretical discussions and articles that critically review already published work. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside some of the bones in the body, including the hip and thigh bones. Bone marrow contains immature cells, called stem cells. Many people with blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, sickle cell anemia, and other life-threatening diseases, rely on bone marrow or cord blood transplants to survive. Healthy bone marrow and blood cells are needed in order to live. When the disease affects bone marrow so that it can no longer function effectively, a marrow or cord blood transplant could be the best treatment option; for some patients, it is the only potential cure. Academic journals serve as an important forum for researchers and academicians from where they can access important information about recent developments in their field. These journals are the first choice for any in-depth examination of an issue related to science. Science as we know is scarcely imaginable without the academic journal.