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ROMA (Risk Of Malignancy Algorithm) Top Open Access Journals
ROMA is at present a valuable analytic device for the preoperative separation of patients with a pelvic mass, uncovering an awesome affectability and explicitness. Further investigations are required, in any case, in a huge gathering of patients and with tests from various producers to decide the ideal cutoff focuses for the calculation. ROMA performs better than CA125 and HE4 in type II and propelled diseases. Ladies with ovarian malignancy manifestations and adnexal masses present basically to gynecologists, essential consideration doctors or general specialists. Triage rules from the American School of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the General public of Gynecologic Oncologists suggests referral of ladies with a pelvic mass at high hazard for ovarian disease to gynecologic oncologists. Particular treatment improves quiet results bringing about less confusions and better endurance rates when contrasted with patients rewarded by specialists less acquainted with the administration of ovarian malignancy.