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Research In Regulatory Affairs

 Regulatory affairs usually refers to that group of scientists who devise the strategy for communicating with regulatory authorities in different countries as well as the strategies of obtaining answers to submission-related questions and of maintaining post-registration contact. Regulatory affairs' main objective is to provide the basis for ensuring high-quality food products that can increase consumer interest in ensuring efficacy, quality , and safety. Regulatory agencies now play a vital role in all aspects of drug development, such as drug production , storage, sales, import, distribution and drug supply. Many of the scientists who populate regulatory affairs groups originally participated in the discovery or development of drugs. They need to understand the processes involved in drug research and production to give regulatory authorities accurate representation of the science. They are also involved in compiling the information in the form of investigational new drug submissions or final registration of new drug applications. They also need to remain state-of-the-art in what the regulatory agencies think and say with the evolving landscape of regulatory guidelines. Maintain reports and gather information about every product's adverse drug reactions, and help the R&D department solve it. For example, data assembly by division of pharmacovigilance can be used to overcome the adverse drug reactions, and regulatory agencies provide leadership for data collection.  

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