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Open Access Journals In Pharmacochemistry

 Pharmacochemistry Open-access journals that are accessible freely to readers without financial , legal or technological obstacles other than those inseparable from access to the internet itself. Advantages and drawbacks of open-access pharmacochemistry journals are the subject of much debate among scholars and publishers. The reactions of established publishers to open-access pharmacochemistry journal publication ranged from switching with excitement to a new open-access business model, to attempts to provide as much free or open access as possible, to aggressive lobbying against open-access proposals. Many of the obvious benefits of open-access pharmacochemistry journals include free access to scientific papers irrespective of association with a subscription library, lower prices for work in academia and industry, as well as better exposure for the general public and higher quotation levels for the author. Pharmacochemistry is a journal dedicated to the production of analysis, insights and data on issues of importance to the understanding of pharmacochemistry. This journal, Chemistry and Pharmacoanalysis for Industrial & Non-Industrial Findings, publishes articles such as study, examination, insight, opinion or short comments, etc. on the basis of the topics covered by this journal.  

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