Journal Of Medical Diagnostic Methods
Journal of Medical Diagnostic Methods is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, provides rapid publication in the area of upgrading technology in all areas of molecular diagnosis, novel diagnostic tools, laboratory diagnosis, clinical and diagnostic research therapeutic endoscopy by offering a platform to the authors/researchers to globalize their research and also make their contribution in the growth of the journal. Journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed international journal that aims to publish quality and genuine source of advanced information on the current or latest medical inventions in the form of original research articles, review articles, case reports, commentaries, short communications, opinion articles, letter to editors, etc. on the diagnostic techniques.
High Impact List of Articles
Modeling Kinetics and Transport Phenomena during Multi-Stage Tire Wastes Pyrolysis
Besma Khiari, Sana Kordoghli, Daoud Mihoubi, Maria Paraschiv, Fethi Zagrouba and Mohand Tazerout Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Modeling Kinetics and Transport Phenomena during Multi-Stage Tire Wastes Pyrolysis
Besma Khiari, Sana Kordoghli, Daoud Mihoubi, Maria Paraschiv, Fethi Zagrouba and Mohand Tazerout Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Effects of the Ferroelectric Nanotube Phase Diagrams and Polar Properties
Sudhir Kumar Mishra, Pramendra Ranjan, Dhiraj Kumar and Mrinal Chandra Review: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Effects of the Ferroelectric Nanotube Phase Diagrams and Polar Properties
Sudhir Kumar Mishra, Pramendra Ranjan, Dhiraj Kumar and Mrinal Chandra Review: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Studies on Physico-chemical Parameters and Concentration of Heavy Metals in Sugar Mill Effluent
Mohd. Aslam Saifi and H. B. Singh Review: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Studies on Physico-chemical Parameters and Concentration of Heavy Metals in Sugar Mill Effluent
Mohd. Aslam Saifi and H. B. Singh Review: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors in a local cultivar of Moringa oleifera (Lam) flowers
I.O.Igwilo, F.C.Ezeonu, S.C.Udedi, K.I.Ubaoji, N.A.Ozumba, H.A.Ogbunugafor Original Article: Natural Products: An Indian Journal
Nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors in a local cultivar of Moringa oleifera (Lam) flowers
I.O.Igwilo, F.C.Ezeonu, S.C.Udedi, K.I.Ubaoji, N.A.Ozumba, H.A.Ogbunugafor Original Article: Natural Products: An Indian Journal
Micellar Catalysis in the Oxidation of DL-Valine by Sodium N-Chloro-4-Methyl Benzenesulphonamide
Y. R. Katre*, S. K. Solanki, Ghanat K. Joshi and Sangeeta Patil Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Micellar Catalysis in the Oxidation of DL-Valine by Sodium N-Chloro-4-Methyl Benzenesulphonamide
Y. R. Katre*, S. K. Solanki, Ghanat K. Joshi and Sangeeta Patil Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
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