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Drug Management Scholarly Journals

The International Journal of Drug Development and Research is an global peer review quarterly, medical and expert journal emphasizing fine pharmaceutical discoveries and innovations. International Journal of Drug Development and Research presents a medium for publication of novel and modern research from the areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology. This magazine is a scholarly journal continues high standards of clinical excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer overview procedure with the help of the Editorial Manager System. Manuscripts are regularly occurring for e-book only if as a minimum two reviewers agree at the medical first-class of a submitted manuscript usually unmarried blind review. International Journal of Drug Development and Research (IJDDR) publishes full duration studies reports, overview articles,and clinical commentaries & communication on all elements of the pharmaceutical sciences with robust sciences with strong emphasis on novelty, originality and clinical excellent. The Editors welcome articles in this multidisciplinary area, ranging from Drug Development to Drug Discovery. More in particular, the Journal publishes reports in medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, drug absorption and metabolism, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, pharmaceutical and biomedical evaluation, drug delivery systems inclusive of gene shipping, drug focused on, pharmaceutical era, pharmaceutical biotechnology and clinical drug evaluation.