Child Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition that causes kids to have unwanted thoughts, feelings, and fears. These are called obsessions, and they can make kids feel anxious. To relieve the obsessions and anxiety, OCD leads kids to do behaviors called compulsions.   Kids don't always talk about the fears and behaviors OCD causes. They may feel embarrassed or confused about their fear and keep it to themselves. They may try to hide rituals they do. They may worry that others will tease them about their fears and rituals. Kids with OCD feel unable to stop focusing on their obsessions. They feel like they have to do the rituals to guard against bad things they worry could happen. For some kids, doing a ritual is the only way they feel "everything's OK." To diagnose OCD, you'll meet with a child psychologist or psychiatrist, who will interview you and your child to learn more details. You and your child also may fill out checklists and questionnaires. These will help the psychologist or psychiatrist make a diagnosis. There are no lab tests to diagnose OCD. When OCD is diagnosed, it can be a relief to kids and parents. OCD can get better with the right attention and care.

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