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Biological Bioprospecting Peer-review Journal
Bioprospecting is the evacuation or utilization of natural and hereditary resources of any creature, mineral or other natural substance for logical exploration or business improvement. At the point when bioprospecting is sought after without the information and free earlier assent of the managers of the assets and without profit offering it is called biopiracy. The impact factor of journal provides quantitative assessment tool for grading, evaluating, sorting and comparing journals of similar kind. It reflects the average number of citations to recent articles published in science and social sciencejournals in a particular year or period, and is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field. It is first devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information. The impact factor of a journal is evaluated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years.