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, Volume: 12( 1)

What is Radiation?

Kishore NS Department of Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeedam Deemed University, Tamil Nadu, India

Received: July 15, 2023, Manuscript No. TSPA-23-106461; Editor assigned: July 18, 2023, PreQC No. TSPA-23-106461 (PQ); Reviewed: August 02, 2023, QC No. TSPA-23-106461; Revised: November 18, 2023, Manuscript No. TSPA-23-106461 (R); Published: November 25, 2023, DOI: 10.37532/2320-6756.2023.11(9).381

Citation: Kishore NS. What is radiation? J Phys Astron. 2023;11(9).381.


Is all radiation bad for us? No

We have harmful radiation and harmless radiation. All radio waves produce that harmless radiation. Radio waves are transparent to many objects. In the past there was a lot of misunderstanding about radio waves passing through concrete. Radio waves are more transparent in insulators. Radio wave also shows transparency in the human body. Because the radio wave's penetration into the body, i.e. transparency, scared the scientists of the past? The phenomenon of penetration has also been shown for lethal rays, this penetration i.e. transparent state is still not much understood by modern science or the world. What is wrong with light penetrating glass has yet to be considered authoritative.

What is transparency?

Wave frequencies in the universe require a medium which is an inescapable physical reality. For that the Tharanga medium works through the planets and their sub-mediums. A seismic wave acts on the solid medium of the earth. Rock and metal are the sub-medium of the earth. Water is the molten state. Tira and Tsunami act in molten medium. Air is a gaseous state and sound is a wave traveling in a gaseous medium. It helps in heat conduction in the fire medium.

There are many sub-heavens in the celestial state, or etheric state, but the wave medium is divided into square celestial bodies containing sub-groups. One is the Elanic sky, two is the Pronic sky, and three is the Nunnic sky. That is, each frequency has sub-heavens. X-rays do not penetrate material X-rays pass through materials because the x-ray frequency medium is absorbed by certain materials. It is true that radio wave and lethal radiation also pass through the material in which the respective medium is dissolved. That means no wave in the universe can propagate without a medium. It is accepted by classical science that no wave can travel without a medium.

Radio waves have the ability to penetrate the body, which is why it has caused fear among scientists in the past. Concrete and insulating materials create a transparent state for radio waves, but high frequency radio waves do not penetrate deeply into moist materials that contain water. Some low radio frequencies are capable of traveling 100 meters deep in ocean water. Fresh water has less resistance to radio frequency than saline water. The higher the frequency of the radio wave, the lower its ability to penetrate water. Concrete that contains moisture has a slightly higher ability to block radio waves. High humidity is the cause of dish TV interruption when there are clouds. Modern science hides the fact that heating by radio waves is due to ionizing. Example when the first pulse of low frequency AC current passes through an electrode immersed in water, the water ions dissociate, and then the pulse in the opposite direction fuses the water ions, thereby producing heat. That is, in AC current, water ions dissociate and combine simultaneously, thereby ionizing and neutralizing. Only a small percentage is heat generated by electrical resistance. The higher the frequency, the finer the wave. This is why the size of radio receivers is decreasing. A radio wave antenna receives high frequency AC. When low frequency AC and high frequency AC are passed through water, an action takes place. Radio waves are not capable of directly ionizing air. Radio waves are ionized only in moist air.

Heat is generated in water due to ionization neutralization. But lethal radiation can directly ionize air. But the lethal radiation not only ionizes the air but tends to ionize all the objects it passes through. It can be said that radio waves are air non-ionizing waves. Another radiation that is not harmful to us is visual radiation because it is not harmful.


Heat radiation is also harmless. This radiation that is harmful to us is caused by ultraviolet to cosmic high frequencies that do the most damage. Lethal radiations do harm at levels established by modern science. The wavelengths associated with the genetic microstructure are harmful to the biological world on Earth because of the lethal radiation.

Frequencies higher than cosmic do not harm us. That's because the neutrino wave frequency is much finer than our genetic makeup.

According to classical theory ether is all dissolved in matter so there is no resistance or refraction of waves passing through it but this classical theory is not true in light but in neutral energy spectrum of Kishore science this classical theory is completely correct. Being 97% neutral energy, the colossal energy source uncoils. So the mathematical equation E=mc2 would be stupid because? Matter can never become energy and vice versa. So what is the energy seen in the stars? 97% of the universe's neutral energy, or dark energy, is evolved in stars. So how does neutral energy or dark energy come about? A black hole absorbs star energy and produces dark energy. This is how the cosmic energy cycle works and matter never becomes energy.

Although modern science says nothing about the neutrino carrier frequency. Neutrino characteristic modulated frequencies have now been discovered. It is at a lower frequency than cosmic i.e. neutrinos are characteristically modulated frequencies. Neutrino modulated frequencies range from a fraction of a meter to several meters. Neither the neutrino nor the characteristic modulated frequency nor the carrier frequency can be artificially created by man.

Devices have been found to sense the modulated frequencies characteristic of neutrinos. It seems to me that modern science has mistaken the low frequency neutrino carrier waves of Kishore science as gravity waves. A low and high modulated frequency is also seen in gravity waves. Low frequencies of gravity modulation are recorded at long times. Kishore Science sees potential for that too. The highest gravity frequency is recorded as 30 × 1024. I suspect that gravity frequencies are the starting frequency of neutral energy in Kishore science. Modern science misattributes neutral energy to gravitational waves. From the neutral wave to the exonic wave will be known as Kishore ray in the future because cosmic waves are clearly defined only in the Kishore hypothesis.

Another thing is that the earth and all cosmic objects are transparent to the gravity wave and neutrino wave, so the gravity wave and neutrino frequency of modern science comes in the neutral energy spectrum of Kishore science, which modern science has not yet understood. Kishore wave spectrum starts with seismic wave or solid wave, then liquid wave, gas wave, and then ether wave starts with radio wave, ether wave ends with neutral and exonic wave.

The radio carrier wave and modulated frequency are artificially generated. But neutrino frequencies and their modulations are naturally occurring. I don't have an answer as to how the modulated frequency occurs naturally, but I think it could be caused by pressure fluctuations at the source. I think the real reason can be seen in the growth of science. What kind of modulation is possible for a neutrino or neutral wave? AM wave is more likely. Kishore science does not have an electromagnetic spectrum like modern science but only a long wave spectrum. Kishore wave spectrum spans from seismic wave to exonic wave. The Kishore wave spectrum ranges from radio waves to cosmic waves. But Kishore science pushes the electromagnetic spectrum.

The reason for that? The electron cannot monopolize the natural radio wave generation in the universe. All artificial radio waves take place in the presence of electrons. But the thermochemical reaction cannot be monopolized by the electron because the thermochemical reaction is more dominated by the Eion flame. The electron has no role in producing gamma and cosmic radiation. Proton fire is responsible for producing gamma and cosmic radiation. Neutron fire plays a role in generating neutral energy. The role of the excitor electron is to produce the exonic ether wave. Here Eion, Electron, Proton, Neutron and Exciter Electron are Agnis in Kishore Science.


This is inconsistent with the modern scientific concepts of proton and neutron. Only the electron concept shows some relevance to modern science. Just like the sound of a waterfall, the movement of fire creates rays in the sky. There is no particle flow in the beam. An electron stream cannot be seen as a ray. They exhibit wave behavior due to the positional movement of the electron flow. When the light wave coming at different angles collides with each other, there is a rise and fall of waves between them that is the diffraction interference pattern. Similarly, different electron wave paths are formed due to the positional movement of the electron path in the electrode. As the electrons bounce between them, the waves rise and fall, creating a continuous pattern of interference. In the interference pattern, the wave or current is not passive, but rather the forces lend each other to form an up and down pattern. But like a wave, electrons cannot penetrate each other. The wave behavior of e-electrons is that the deflection takes place in its direction. This means that the electron cannot move in the opposite direction.