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, Volume: 11( 2) DOI: 10.37532/2320-6756.2023.11(2).322

A open review on light speed expanding Hubble-Hawking universe

U.V.S. Seshavatharam
Honorary faculty, I-SERVE, Survey no-42, Hitech city, Hyderabad-84, Telangana, India

Received date: 30-January-2023, Manuscript No. tspa-23-88209; Editor assigned: 02-February-2022, PreQC No. tspa-23-88209 (PQ); Reviewed: 06-February-2022, QC No. tspa-23-88209 (Q); Revised: 07-February-2022, Manuscript No. tspa-23-88209 (R); Published: 23- February-2023, DOI. 10.37532/2320-6756.2023.11(2).322

Citation: Seshavatharam U.V.S., Lakshminarayana S. An Open Review on Light Speed Expanding Hubble-Hawking Universe.2023;11(2):322.


We make an attempt to review our light speed expanding Hubble-Hawking model of cosmology with reference to cosmic age, temperature, curvature, angular velocity, various cosmological distances associated with galactic red shifts, galactic flat rotation speeds, galactic dark matter and galactic working radii.


Planck scale; Big bang; Light speed expansion; Hubble-Hawking model


Subject of standard model of cosmology is currently falling in serious disparagements due to dark matter and dark energy issues. It is very surprising to note that, after 20 years of a strong footing, very shocking news is that, based on ‘quintessence’ driven universe, within coming 100 million years, universe is coming to a halt and slowly getting contraction to form a big crunch [1]. This technical paper has been reviewed by one of the co-founders of the accelerating universe, Saul Perlmutter and got published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA in April 2022. In August 2019, based on the opacity of the universe, a technical paper got published in Monthly Notices of Royal Society on the dimming nature of distance supernovae, cosmic acceleration and dark energy [2]. On the whole, dark energy and quintessence both seem to play a crucial role in understanding the exact nature of cosmic expansion rate. Proceeding further, by considering 740 supernovae data, it has been argued that, observed acceleration is a local effect and no way connected with dark energy [3]. This technical paper has been published in Astronomy & Astrophysics in 2019 November. In this very critical situation, in 2019, it has been suggested that, universe undergoes a series of cyclic process with different phases [4]. This technical paper has been published in Physics Letters B in August 2019. In this context, we emphasize the point that, scientists are not showing interest in understanding the reasons for photon’s light speed. We assure the reader that, it will certainly help in understanding cosmic acceleration, dark energy, quintessence and cosmic evolution.

After 90 years of strong observational support, considering the increasing number of dark matter deficient galaxies, another technical paper got published in Nature Astronomy in November 2019 [5]. Most recent and most advanced experiments are showing their inability in detecting dark matter particles in lower mass range and experimentalists are trying to tune the experimental set up for detecting dark matter particles in various mass ranges [6].

Major Cosmological and Astrophysical Coincidences

Cosmic age and cosmic radius: Currently believed cosmic age is 13.8 billion years. Distance travelled by a photon in 13.8 billion years is 1.3x1026 m and is almost all equal to the currently believed Hubble radius It clearly indicates something new about the cosmic expansion speed in terms of speed of photon. We interpret this relation as, from the beginning of Planck scale, universe expands with speed of light. In a mathematical form,

Where (Rpl, Rt) represent Planck scale cosmic radius and radius at any time t . This can be considered as Assumption-1. Lambda model of cosmic age up to (1+z)=1100 can be fitted accurately with,

Where is related with Hubble-Hawking model. It needs a review at fundamental level.

Cosmic critical density, volume and mass: Currently believed cosmic critical density is, Considering the product of currently believed cosmic critical density and Hubble volume, it is possible to show that, . On re-arranging this mass expression, It clearly indicates something new about the current universe in terms of current cosmic black hole mass, radius and expansion speed. We interpret this relation as, from the beginning of Planck scale,

This can be considered as Assumption-2.

Cosmic temperature: Currently believed cosmic temperature T0 seems to be equal to the geometric mean of Hawking temperature of Planck mass and Hawking temperature of current cosmic Hubble mass, In a simplified form, it can be expressed as, It clearly indicates something new about the current cosmic temperature in terms of Hawking’s Black hole physics. We interpret this relation as, from the beginning of Planck scale,

This can be considered as Assumption-3.

For an observed value of. estimated We would like to emphasize the point that, based on Hawking’s black hole temperature formula, geometric mean of Planck mass and the so called Hubble mass, seems to play a crucial role in estimating the observed cosmic microwave back ground temperature, (CMBR) [7]. This kind of relation is missing in Lambda cosmology and to a great extent, currently observed discrepancy or tension in estimating the Hubble parameter can be eliminated.

Considering Planck mass and the Universe, both, as ‘point particles’, this relation can be derived with three hypothetical conditions,

Derived relation is,

Here, it may be noted that, the denominator coefficient 24.891 is almost equal to and error is 0.962%.With further study and research, relations (4A) and (4B) can be validated and confirmed based on their independent derivative methods.

Light speed growing plank ball having big bang like evolution: Modern cosmologists strongly believe that there exists only big bang and that is responsible for the whole cosmic evolution. We would like to emphasize that - in reality, if big bang is the seed of cosmic evolution, if big bang is a representation of space expansion rather than an explosion, if there exists only one big bang and if one wishes to implement Planck scale in current and past universe, then, Planck mass can be considered as a possible seed of cosmic evolution having light speed expansion.

Cosmological Disagreements and Quantum Cosmology

Technical publications that are having very high impact on science community are raising many new ideas and doubts on dark energy and dark matter. Now it is very clear hat, there is a disagreement in between main stream cosmologists and other researchers. Cosmological observations are not straight forward. For the same data, different interpretations are coming into picture with a great diversity. Right now it is not at all possible to prove the exact nature of cosmic expansion whether it is accelerating or decelerating. In this very ambiguous situation, it seems interesting to take the help of ‘light speed’ as a tool. There is a possibility for considering light speed radial expansion as well as light speed rotation. We would like to emphasize that,

• So far no single experiment or no single observation confirmed super luminal physical results.

• All cosmological observations and physical studies & research are being accomplished with ‘light speed’ only.

• It is well confirmed that, gravitons are moving with speed of light.

• In one sentence, ‘without light’, there is no cosmology and there is no physics.

In this scenario, after publishing our paper in Progress in Physics, we have been inspired by Eugene Terry Tatum’s cosmic ‘light speed expansion’ concept and ‘Flat Space Cosmology’ [8,9]. It may be noted that, Melia and his team is sincerely working on Rh = ct models of cosmology [10-13]. Independently, Terry Tatum is seriously working on ‘Light speed expanding Flat Space Cosmology’ [14]. Rainer Burghardt is working on Subluminal expansion model and he argues that, Melia’s model represents a closed model against ‘flat model’ [15]. Our approach is based on Black hole radius and temperature formulae and is free from dark energy and dark matter concepts [16]. Based on quantum mechanics and black holes, our model helps in understanding cosmic rotation. It may be noted that, assumptions 2 and 3 are applicable only for a closed universe having a positive curvature. We sincerely appeal the readers who are not interested in cosmic rotation may skip the following sections and see section 9 for a logical reasoning.

We propose that, observations attributed to dark matter can be understood as a representation of power law ‘super gravity’ associated with increasing galactic baryonic mass greater than 4x1038 kg. With further study,

• Inflation, acceleration, dark energy and quintessence issues can be relinquished with light speed expansion

• Dark matter issue can be relinquished with super gravity of large baryonic mass content.

• Red shift can be understood with the ratio of change in wavelength to observed wavelength.

Current model of standard cosmology is completely based on General theory of relativity and observations associated with galactic red shifts, distances, flat rotation speeds, gravitational lensing effects and cosmic back ground radiation temperature [17]. Final unification point of view, it seems essential to work on developing a model of Quantum Cosmology (QC) that combines General Theory of Relativity (GTR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM). In this context, by considering ‘light speed expansion’ and ‘Planck scale’ as the unified features of GTR and QM, in our recent publications, we have developed a very simple model of QC associated with growing cosmic black hole [18-21]. To proceed further, in the upcoming sections we have highlighted the basic issues of Lambda Cosmology (LC) and suggested the best possible alternative physical concepts.

If it is really important to understand the radical nature of cosmic acceleration, based on light speed expansion, it can be understood as follows. As time is passing, to sustain continuous light speed expansion, galaxies maintain higher acceleration near to cosmic center and lower acceleration near to cosmic boundary. Clearly speaking, being higher in magnitude near to cosmic center, galactic acceleration, gradually disappears at cosmic boundary. In a mathematical form, for the current case, it can be expressed as,

where r , ( vr ) and ( ar ) represent galactic distance, receding speed and acceleration from the cosmic center respectively.

Inadequacy of Lambda Cosmology

Most intriguing concept of LC is ‘cosmic evolution’. Clearly speaking, universe is having a beginning and its size and time are increasing. Earlier mater was in the form of radiation and observed matter is being created in the form of growing stars and galaxies with increasing number of elementary atoms and their next level atoms. Another interesting feature is that, universe is expanding with increasing speed (accelerating). These observations were developed on the concept of galactic red shift associated with the observed and laboratory wavelengths of photon, being defined as,

Most complicated feature of LC is current cosmic acceleration [22]. By studying the galactic red shifts and galactic distances, cosmologists are trying to establish the notion of ‘accelerating universe’. But in reality, it is practically impossible to investigate and measure the real expansion speeds of galaxies. Another bitter truth is that, as the observed universe is very large, it is absolutely beyond the scope of human beings to measure the expansion speed of cosmic boundary. Even though, cosmologists are strongly believing in cosmic acceleration and seriously working on chasing its mystery with ‘dark energy’ and ‘Lambda term’ like strange physical entities.

Most controversial feature of LC is galactic dark matter. To understand the observed excess rotation speeds of galactic orbiting stars and to understand the observed galactic gravitational lensing effects, scientists are seriously believing in the existence of ‘dark matter’ as an exotic form of matter not found in the standard particle model. Unfortunately, dark energy and dark matter, both seem to be ‘unphysical’ in nature and raising doubts on the ‘scope’, ‘applicability’ and ‘correctness’ of the basic assumptions of LC and GTR. Unless dark matter and dark energy are identified, LC cannot be considered as a complete model of cosmology [23-29].

Most misleading part of Lambda cosmology

It may be noted that, by the time of defining the definition of galactic red shift, maximum red shift value was around 0.003. We would like to emphasize the point that, definition of galactic red shift is ambiguous [30, 31]. It can also be defined as,

See our recent published papers [18-21]. With reference to current definition, z value lies between 0 and infinity. By following our new definition, z value lies between 0 and 1. It may be noted that, with our given definition, it is very easy to implement ‘light speed expansion’ in cosmic evolution scheme. By considering light speed expansion concept, dark energy and lambda term concepts can be relinquished. Thought of in this way, as there is no evidence for dark energy, the current definition of galactic red shift can be considered as the most misleading part of LC. FIG. 1 compares galactic light travel distances according to our new definition, (Red curve) and the conventional formula connected with dark energy density and other density fractions (Green curve).


Figure 1: Comparison of standard and estimated light travel distances.

Based on this new definition of cosmic red shift, observed farthest galaxies distance can be estimated very easily. For example, see the following Table 1. We sincerely appeal that, on cosmological scales, 2.5% is not yet all a ‘serious’ error. We would like to emphasize the point that, conceptually, we are no way deviating from the basic idea of expanding universe and receding galaxies. Only thing is that, we are confining to ‘light speed expansion’ and ‘light speed receding’. With further study, there is a scope for understanding the universe in a unified approach. Since most of the cosmological observations are being studied with photons that move at speed of light, rather than ‘working on controversial cosmic ‘acceleration’ and ‘flatness’ phenomena it is better to work on understanding the root causes of ‘speed of light’.

TABLE 1. To estimate and fit the distances of farthest galaxies.

Galaxy Redshift Standard Light travel distance (Gly) Estimated  Light travel distance (Gly) % Error
GN-z11 11.09 13.39 13.41 -0.15
MACS1149-JD1 9.11 13.26 13.17 0.65
EGSY8p7 8.68 13.23 13.11 0.91
A2744 YD4 8.38 13.2 13.06 1.05
EGS-zs8-1 7.73 13.13 12.95 1.41
z7 GSD 3811 7.66 13.11 12.93 1.36
z8_GND_5296 7.51 13.1 12.9 1.51
SXDF-NB1006-2 7.215 13.17 12.84 2.5
GN-108036 7.213 13.07 12.84 2.5
BDF-3299 7.109 13.05 12.84 2.5
A1703 zD6 7.014 13.04 12.84 2.5
BDF-521 7.008 13.04 12.84 2.5
G2-1408 6.972 13.03 12.84 2.5
IOK-1 6.964 13.03 12.84 2.5

Richard Powell has written an online C program ( (version 1.1) for estimating the light travel distance [32]. Using that program and considering a redshift of z = (0.1 to 200), we have prepared FIG. 1. Green curve indicates the light travel distance in Lambda cosmology prepared with Omega matter=0.32, Omega lambda=0.68, Omega radiation=0.0 and H0 =66.87 km/sec/Mpc. Red curve indicates our estimated light travel distance,

where H0 = 66.87 km/sec/Mpc. As traditional redshift is increasing from 0, error in estimated light travel distance is increasing to and from there onwards, error is reaching to 0% at Proceeding further, error is reaching to Here, ‘positive error’ means, and traditional light travel distance is higher than our estimate and ‘negative error’ means, traditional light travel distance is lower than our estimate.

This can be also be confirmed with other online cosmic redshift-distance calculators written by written by Aaron Robotham and Joseph Dunne (

Cosmic scale factor seems to be associated with time and temperature rather than red shift. Scale factor can be expressed as,


and current cosmic temperatures.

Currently believed cosmic time scale up to 1+ z =1100 can be expressed as,

We are working in this direction. If so,


Interesting observation to be noted is that,

Super Gravity of Baryonic Matter

Considering the case of supposition of dark matter through gravitational interaction, inferring the negative results of dark matter experiments and following the ongoing debate concerning the existence of exotic form of dark matter, we are proposing the existence of a power law based super gravitational behavior of baryonic matter as a possible explanation for the observed galactic rotation curve anomalies. We would like to emphasize the point that, in reality there exists no dark matter and equivalent mass of galactic dark matter can be defined as [33],

where 4 × 1038 kg (200 million solar masses) can be considered as the ‘current reference mass unit’.

Based on this idea, galactic masses less than 4 × 1038 kg will have a decreasing trend of super gravity and galactic masses greater than 4 × 1038 kg will have an increasing trend of super gravity and it is proportional to Total mass of galaxy can be expressed as, Following this relation, galactic flat rotation speeds can be understood with a relation of the form,


This can be considered as assumption-4. Flat rotation speeds from 10 km/sec to 500 km/sec can be understood in this way. Our proposal is in line with newly discovered dark matter deficient galaxies and large massive galaxies having high flat rotation speeds [34, 35].

Another interesting feature is that, Sun’s estimated equivalent dark mass is around 1.5x1026 kg and its effect seems to be negligible. It needs observational and experimental confirmation. To some extent, considering the estimated Virial mass of Sun and based on the theory of light bending, our proposal can be confirmed. Nucleons estimated equivalent dark mass is around 10-60 kg and it needs experimental verification.

See the following FIG. 2 and FIG. 3 where reference mass is million solar masses. FIG. 2 shows an increase in dark mass with corresponding increase in baryonic mass [31]. FIG. 3 shows a comparative increase in galactic flat rotation speeds against MOND [26]. It may be noted that, rotation speed of UGC 12591 is and our estimated baryonic mass is ( 2.0 to 2.25 ) × 1042 kg comparable with recent estimation of 1.37× 1042 kg [36].


Figure 2: Galactic baryonic mass Vs Dark mass.


Figure 3: Galactic flat rotation speeds.

Considering 200 million solar masses as a characteristic representation of current cosmic weak interaction mass unit, there is a scope to implement weak boson masses and Higg’s field in understanding the hypothecated mass of galactic dark matter [37]. Clearly speaking, without considering dark matter, weak interaction can be considered as a boosting drive for the observed super gravity of galactic baryonic mass. Based on this idea, we have developed the following relation for estimating the proposed 200 million solar masses.

This formula needs a physical interpretation and we are working on it. It seems that, continuous decay or annihilation of large number of charged and weak bosons generate so many force carriers in such a way that, any baryonic galaxy experiences a kind of ‘dark matter’ like super attracting force or super gravity.

Standard Ruler associated with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

As per the cosmic Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), current acoustic bubble radius is around 150 Gpc [38, 39]. This characteristic length can be fitted with a simple relation of the form,

where TRecomb and HRecomb represent recombination epoch temperature and Hubble parameter respectively. Hawking’s black hole temperature formula pertaining to recombination epoch can be expressed as,

Clearly speaking, ‘light speed’ being a characteristic feature of cosmic expansion and being a characteristic feature of cosmic recombination, baryon acoustic bubble radius seems to be inversely proportional to . It needs further study.

Based on the BAO bubble radius, we have noticed another interesting relation for understanding the cosmological origin of 200 Million solar masses. It can be expressed as,

Considering TRecomb as 3000 K and T0 as 2.725 K,


In this way, it seems possible to understand the mystery of the proposed reference mass unit in terms of Recombination and Baryon acoustic oscillations. We are working in this direction also.

Estimation of Distances Associated with Galactic Flat Rotation Speeds

Following the concepts proposed in previous section we suggest the following points for further study and observation.

• Galactic total mass can be considered as the sum of galactic baryonic mass and dark mass.

• As galactic total mass increases, galactic flat rotation speed as well as the distance associated with flat rotation speed increases.

• Galactic core radius seems to depend on galactic baryon mass, current cosmic Hubble mass and the ratio of galactic baryon mass to total mass.

• Galactic flat rotation distance seems to depend on galactic total mass, current cosmic Hubble mass and the ratio of galactic baryon mass to total mass.

Based on these points, we noticed a very simple relation for galactic flat rotation distances. It can be expressed as,

Galactic core radius can be expressed as,

Based on relations (23) and (24),

Interesting point to be noted is that, by knowing the galactic flat rotation speed and flat rotation distance, galactic baryon mass, galactic total mass and hence galactic dark mass can be estimated in a unified approach. This is for observational test. Galactic whole radius can be expressed as,

It may be noted that, based on relations (24) to (27), galactic masses, flat rotation speeds and corresponding distances can be studied in a unified approach. Estimated baryon and dark masses can be compared with existing methods. Advantage of our approach is that, current cosmic Hubble mass can be considered as a key tool in exploring the structural secrets of galaxies. Galactic rotation curves for r≥rc can be approximated with the following relations. It needs a fine tuning based on the actual curve [40].

Thus, the proposed reference mass unit of 200 million solar masses seems to play a crucial role in deciding galactic structures.

See the following Fig. 4 pertaining to estimated Milky Way rotation Curves for 1.4 kpc to 319 kpc [41]. Estimated baryon mass, dark mass and total mass of Milky Way are, respectively. Blue curve represents relation (28A) and black curve represents relation (28B). Based on relation (26), in terms of galactic core radius and flat rotation distance, galactic rotation curve can be re-expressed as,


Figure 4: Estimated Milky Way Rotation Curves.

On Cosmic Rotation and Cosmic Center

Considering the evolving universe as a growing black hole or simply a white hole [18], it seems natural to expect cosmic rotation [42]. We would like to emphasize the point that, Spin is a basic property of QM and one who is interested in developing quantum models of cosmology, must think about cosmic rotation. It may be noted that, without a radial in-flow of matter in all directions towards one specific point, one cannot expect a big crunch and without a big crunch, one cannot expect a big bang. Really if there was a “big bang” in the past, with reference to formation of big bang as predicted by GTR and with reference to the cosmic rate of expansion that might have taken place simultaneously in all directions at a “naturally selected rate” about the point of big bang: “point” of big bang can be considered as the characteristic reference point of cosmic expansion in all directions. Thinking in this way, to some extent, point of big bang can be considered as a possible centre of cosmic evolution. If so, thinking about the universe without a center of rotation is illogical. Based on this logic, we appeal the science community to see the possibility of thinking about angular velocity, cosmic rotation and rotational axis [43-48].

Based on references [1,4], it is going to be happened that, within coming 100 million years, cosmic expansion is reaching a halt and moving towards a big crunch. In this context, we emphasize the point that, without a radial in-flow of matter in all directions towards any one specific point, it may not be possible to have a big crunch and discussing on center less universe having a big bang or big bounce seems to be meaningless.

As per the recent 2020 publication, according to Vladimir A. Korotky, Eduard Masar and Yuri N. Obukhov: “In observational cosmology, the main difficulty for detecting a global rotation is its smallness-less than 10−13 rad/year according to the generally accepted assessment [49]. It is impossible in the Universe to distinguish the direction corresponding to the axis of rotation, with respect to which one could notice deviations (in the standard tests) from the Friedman standard cosmology. In theoretical cosmology, the main difficulties are related, on the one hand, to the lack of simple models of an expanding and rotating Universe in general relativity (GR) similar to Friedman–Robertson–Walker models. On the other hand, there are no convincing predictive effects of cosmic rotation that are consistent with the capabilities of the equipment of modern astronomical observatories”.

Based on relations (17), (24) to (27), cosmic angular velocity can be expressed as [33, 46],

Following this relation, galactic flat rotation speeds can be expressed as,

Where c represents cosmic expansion speed and ω0 represents cosmic angular velocity. It needs further study and observations.

Galactic whole radius can be expressed as [33],

Various Cosmological Distances

Based on the new red shift definition as discussed in previous section, various distances associated with galactic light can be understood in the following way (Table 2 and FIG. 5).


Figure 5: Comparative study of various cosmological distances.

Light Travel Distance can be approximated with,

Commoving Distance can be approximated with,

Luminosity Distance can be approximated with,

TABLE 2 Comparative Study of Various Cosmological Distances.

Red shift (z) Modified Red shift (z/(1+z)) Light travel distance as per Lambda Cosmology Light travel distance in Hubble-Hawking Cosmology % error in Light travel distance (Blue curve in the graph) Comoving distance as per Lambda Cosmology Comoving distance in Hubble-Hawking Cosmology % error in Comoving distance (Red curve in the graph) Luminosity distance as per Lambda Cosmology Luminosity distance in Hubble-Hawking Cosmology % error in Luminosity distance (Red curve in the graph)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
0.05 0.048 0.704 0.696 1.174 0.722 0.73 -1.149 0.76 0.767 -1.149
1.05 0.512 8.188 7.487 8.558 11.545 12.495 -8.233 23.67 25.616 -8.233
2.05 0.672 10.643 9.825 7.685 17.618 19.241 -9.211 53.74 58.685 -9.211
3.05 0.753 11.735 11.008 6.197 21.435 23.376 -9.059 86.81 94.674 -9.059
4.05 0.802 12.324 11.723 4.875 24.085 26.142 -8.537 121.63 132.014 -8.537
5.05 0.835 12.681 12.201 3.784 26.056 28.114 -7.898 157.64 170.088 -7.898
6.05 0.858 12.918 12.544 2.894 27.599 29.589 -7.21 194.57 208.602 -7.21
7.05 0.876 13.083 12.802 2.152 28.842 30.733 -6.556 232.18 247.403 -6.556
8.05 0.89 13.204 13.002 1.528 29.873 31.646 -5.936 270.35 286.4 -5.936
9.05 0.9 13.296 13.163 1 30.748 32.392 -5.344 309.02 325.537 -5.344
10.05 0.91 13.367 13.295 0.545 31.501 33.012 -4.794 348.09 364.778 -4.794
11.05 0.917 13.424 13.404 0.149 32.158 33.535 -4.283 387.5 404.098 -4.283
12.05 0.923 13.471 13.497 -0.196 32.742 33.983 -3.79 427.28 443.479 -3.79
13.05 0.929 13.509 13.577 -0.505 33.254 34.371 -3.357 467.22 482.909 -3.357
14.05 0.934 13.541 13.646 -0.775 33.726 34.71 -2.916 507.58 522.378 -2.916
15.05 0.938 13.568 13.707 -1.022 34.143 35.008 -2.535 547.99 561.879 -2.535
16.05 0.941 13.591 13.76 -1.245 34.52 35.273 -2.182 588.57 601.407 -2.182
17.05 0.945 13.611 13.808 -1.443 34.876 35.51 -1.818 629.51 640.957 -1.818
18.05 0.948 13.629 13.85 -1.626 35.198 35.723 -1.493 670.52 680.526 -1.493
19.05 0.95 13.644 13.888 -1.794 35.494 35.916 -1.189 711.65 720.111 -1.189
20.05 0.952 13.657 13.923 -1.946 35.774 36.091 -0.886 753.04 759.711 -0.886
21.05 0.955 13.669 13.955 -2.089 36.025 36.25 -0.626 794.35 799.321 -0.626
22.05 0.957 13.68 13.983 -2.218 36.269 36.397 -0.351 836.01 838.943 -0.351
23.05 0.958 13.689 14.01 -2.34 36.494 36.531 -0.101 877.69 878.574 -0.101
24.05 0.96 13.698 14.034 -2.451 36.711 36.655 0.152 919.61 918.213 0.152
25.05 0.962 13.706 14.056 -2.557 36.906 36.77 0.369 961.41 957.859 0.369
26.05 0.963 13.713 14.077 -2.656 37.092 36.877 0.58 1003.33 997.511 0.58
27.05 0.964 13.719 14.096 -2.749 37.267 36.976 0.782 1045.35 1037.17 0.782
28.05 0.966 13.726 14.114 -2.832 37.446 37.068 1.009 1087.81 1076.83 1.009
29.05 0.967 13.731 14.131 -2.915 37.6 37.155 1.184 1129.87 1116.5 1.184
30.05 0.968 13.736 14.147 -2.991 37.756 37.236 1.378 1172.33 1156.17 1.378
31.05 0.969 13.74 14.161 -3.064 37.901 37.312 1.553 1214.71 1195.85 1.553
32.05 0.97 13.744 14.175 -3.134 38.033 37.384 1.706 1256.98 1235.53 1.706
33.05 0.971 13.748 14.188 -3.198 38.167 37.451 1.874 1299.57 1275.21 1.874
34.05 0.971 13.752 14.2 -3.258 38.303 37.515 2.056 1342.5 1314.9 2.056
35.05 0.972 13.756 14.212 -3.316 38.425 37.575 2.212 1385.23 1354.59 2.212
36.05 0.973 13.759 14.223 -3.373 38.534 37.632 2.34 1427.69 1394.28 2.34
37.05 0.974 13.762 14.233 -3.426 38.644 37.686 2.479 1470.41 1433.97 2.479
38.05 0.974 13.765 14.243 -3.476 38.756 37.738 2.627 1513.42 1473.66 2.627
39.05 0.975 13.767 14.252 -3.525 38.853 37.787 2.744 1556.05 1513.36 2.744
40.05 0.976 13.77 14.261 -3.572 38.951 37.833 2.869 1598.93 1553.06 2.869
41.05 0.976 13.772 14.27 -3.615 39.05 37.878 3.002 1642.06 1592.76 3.002
42.05 0.977 13.774 14.278 -3.656 39.151 37.92 3.143 1685.44 1632.46 3.143
43.05 0.977 13.776 14.286 -3.698 39.235 37.961 3.249 1728.32 1672.16 3.249
44.05 0.978 13.778 14.293 -3.737 39.321 37.999 3.361 1771.41 1711.87 3.361
45.05 0.978 13.78 14.3 -3.773 39.408 38.036 3.48 1814.72 1751.58 3.48
46.05 0.979 13.782 14.307 -3.811 39.478 38.072 3.561 1857.43 1791.28 3.561
47.05 0.979 13.783 14.313 -3.844 39.566 38.106 3.69 1901.15 1830.99 3.691
48.05 0.98 13.785 14.319 -3.878 39.638 38.139 3.782 1944.23 1870.7 3.782
49.05 0.98 13.786 14.325 -3.91 39.71 38.17 3.878 1987.48 1910.41 3.878
50.05 0.98 13.788 14.331 -3.941 39.783 38.2 3.978 2030.91 1950.12 3.978
51.05 0.981 13.789 14.337 -3.97 39.856 38.229 4.082 2074.53 1989.83 4.083
52.05 0.981 13.79 14.342 -4 39.912 38.257 4.146 2117.34 2029.55 4.146
53.05 0.981 13.792 14.347 -4.026 39.987 38.284 4.259 2161.31 2069.26 4.259
54.05 0.982 13.793 14.352 -4.054 40.044 38.31 4.33 2204.42 2108.98 4.329
55.05 0.982 13.794 14.357 -4.078 40.12 38.335 4.449 2248.75 2148.69 4.449
56.05 0.982 13.795 14.361 -4.104 40.178 38.36 4.527 2292.17 2188.41 4.527
57.05 0.983 13.796 14.366 -4.128 40.237 38.383 4.607 2335.73 2228.13 4.607
58.05 0.983 13.797 14.37 -4.151 40.296 38.405 4.69 2379.45 2267.84 4.69
59.05 0.983 13.798 14.374 -4.176 40.335 38.427 4.73 2422.12 2307.56 4.729
60.05 0.984 13.799 14.378 -4.198 40.395 38.448 4.818 2466.1 2347.28 4.818
61.05 0.984 13.8 14.382 -4.218 40.455 38.469 4.909 2510.23 2387 4.909
62.05 0.984 13.8 14.386 -4.24 40.496 38.489 4.955 2553.24 2426.71 4.955
63.05 0.984 13.801 14.389 -4.259 40.557 38.508 5.051 2597.66 2466.44 5.051
64.05 0.985 13.802 14.393 -4.28 40.598 38.527 5.102 2640.89 2506.15 5.102
65.05 0.985 13.803 14.396 -4.297 40.66 38.545 5.202 2685.59 2545.87 5.202
66.05 0.985 13.804 14.399 -4.317 40.702 38.562 5.257 2729.05 2585.6 5.256
67.05 0.985 13.804 14.403 -4.335 40.744 38.579 5.313 2772.62 2625.32 5.312
68.05 0.986 13.805 14.406 -4.353 40.786 38.596 5.37 2816.29 2665.04 5.37
69.05 0.986 13.805 14.409 -4.37 40.829 38.612 5.43 2860.06 2704.77 5.43
70.05 0.986 13.806 14.412 -4.387 40.872 38.628 5.491 2903.94 2744.48 5.491
71.05 0.986 13.807 14.415 -4.403 40.915 38.643 5.554 2947.92 2784.21 5.554
72.05 0.986 13.807 14.417 -4.419 40.959 38.658 5.618 2992.02 2823.93 5.618
73.05 0.986 13.808 14.42 -4.434 41.002 38.672 5.684 3036.22 2863.65 5.684
74.05 0.987 13.808 14.423 -4.448 41.047 38.686 5.751 3080.54 2903.38 5.751
75.05 0.987 13.809 14.425 -4.462 41.091 38.7 5.82 3124.97 2943.1 5.82
76.05 0.987 13.809 14.428 -4.478 41.113 38.713 5.839 3167.79 2982.82 5.839
77.05 0.987 13.81 14.43 -4.491 41.158 38.726 5.91 3212.41 3022.55 5.91
78.05 0.987 13.81 14.433 -4.506 41.181 38.739 5.931 3255.36 3062.28 5.931
79.05 0.988 13.811 14.435 -4.519 41.227 38.751 6.005 3300.18 3102 6.005
80.05 0.988 13.811 14.437 -4.531 41.272 38.763 6.081 3345.13 3141.73 6.08
81.05 0.988 13.812 14.439 -4.544 41.296 38.775 6.105 3388.29 3181.44 6.105
82.05 0.988 13.812 14.441 -4.556 41.342 38.786 6.182 3433.44 3221.18 6.182
83.05 0.988 13.812 14.444 -4.569 41.365 38.797 6.208 3476.75 3260.9 6.208
84.05 0.988 13.813 14.446 -4.582 41.389 38.808 6.235 3520.11 3300.63 6.235
85.05 0.988 13.813 14.448 -4.592 41.436 38.819 6.316 3565.56 3340.35 6.316
86.05 0.989 13.814 14.45 -4.604 41.46 38.829 6.345 3609.06 3380.08 6.345
87.05 0.989 13.814 14.451 -4.616 41.484 38.839 6.374 3652.62 3419.81 6.374
88.05 0.989 13.814 14.453 -4.625 41.532 38.849 6.458 3698.38 3459.54 6.458
89.05 0.989 13.815 14.455 -4.636 41.556 38.859 6.489 3742.08 3499.26 6.489
90.05 0.989 13.815 14.457 -4.647 41.58 38.869 6.521 3785.85 3538.98 6.521
91.05 0.989 13.815 14.459 -4.658 41.604 38.878 6.553 3829.67 3578.71 6.553
92.05 0.989 13.816 14.46 -4.666 41.653 38.887 6.641 3875.84 3618.45 6.641
93.05 0.989 13.816 14.462 -4.676 41.678 38.896 6.675 3919.82 3658.17 6.675
94.05 0.989 13.816 14.464 -4.686 41.703 38.905 6.71 3963.85 3697.91 6.709
95.05 0.99 13.817 14.465 -4.696 41.728 38.913 6.745 4007.95 3737.62 6.745
96.05 0.99 13.817 14.467 -4.705 41.753 38.922 6.781 4052.11 3777.35 6.781
97.05 0.99 13.817 14.468 -4.714 41.778 38.93 6.817 4096.33 3817.08 6.817
98.05 0.99 13.817 14.47 -4.723 41.803 38.938 6.854 4140.61 3856.82 6.854
99.05 0.99 13.818 14.471 -4.732 41.829 38.946 6.892 4184.96 3896.55 6.892
100.05 0.99 13.818 14.473 -4.74 41.854 38.954 6.93 4229.37 3936.26 6.93
101.05 0.99 13.818 14.474 -4.749 41.88 38.961 6.969 4273.84 3975.99 6.969
102.05 0.99 13.818 14.476 -4.757 41.906 38.969 7.008 4318.38 4015.71 7.009
103.05 0.99 13.819 14.477 -4.765 41.932 38.976 7.049 4362.98 4055.45 7.049
104.05 0.99 13.819 14.478 -4.773 41.958 38.983 7.089 4407.65 4095.18 7.089
105.05 0.991 13.819 14.48 -4.78 41.984 38.99 7.13 4452.38 4134.91 7.13
106.05 0.991 13.819 14.481 -4.788 42.01 38.997 7.172 4497.18 4174.64 7.172
107.05 0.991 13.819 14.482 -4.797 42.01 39.004 7.156 4539.19 4214.36 7.156
108.05 0.991 13.82 14.483 -4.804 42.037 39.011 7.199 4584.08 4254.09 7.199
109.05 0.991 13.82 14.485 -4.811 42.063 39.017 7.242 4629.05 4293.82 7.242
110.05 0.991 13.82 14.486 -4.818 42.09 39.024 7.285 4674.08 4333.56 7.285
111.05 0.991 13.82 14.487 -4.824 42.117 39.03 7.33 4719.18 4373.28 7.33
112.05 0.991 13.821 14.488 -4.831 42.144 39.036 7.374 4764.35 4413.02 7.374
113.05 0.991 13.821 14.489 -4.839 42.144 39.042 7.36 4806.5 4452.75 7.36
114.05 0.991 13.821 14.49 -4.845 42.171 39.048 7.405 4851.77 4492.49 7.405
115.05 0.991 13.821 14.492 -4.851 42.198 39.054 7.451 4897.11 4532.2 7.451
116.05 0.991 13.821 14.493 -4.857 42.226 39.06 7.498 4942.52 4571.93 7.498
117.05 0.992 13.821 14.494 -4.865 42.226 39.065 7.485 4984.75 4611.65 7.485
118.05 0.992 13.821 14.495 -4.871 42.253 39.071 7.532 5030.26 4651.39 7.532
119.05 0.992 13.822 14.496 -4.877 42.281 39.076 7.58 5075.85 4691.12 7.58
120.05 0.992 13.822 14.497 -4.884 42.281 39.082 7.567 5118.14 4730.87 7.567
121.05 0.992 13.822 14.498 -4.889 42.309 39.087 7.615 5163.83 4770.58 7.615
122.05 0.992 13.822 14.499 -4.895 42.337 39.092 7.664 5209.6 4810.31 7.665
123.05 0.992 13.822 14.5 -4.901 42.337 39.098 7.652 5251.94 4850.03 7.653
124.05 0.992 13.822 14.501 -4.907 42.366 39.103 7.702 5297.81 4889.78 7.702
125.05 0.992 13.823 14.502 -4.912 42.394 39.108 7.752 5343.76 4929.5 7.752
126.05 0.992 13.823 14.502 -4.918 42.394 39.113 7.741 5386.16 4969.24 7.741
127.05 0.992 13.823 14.503 -4.923 42.423 39.117 7.791 5432.22 5008.96 7.792
128.05 0.992 13.823 14.504 -4.928 42.451 39.122 7.843 5478.36 5048.68 7.843
129.05 0.992 13.823 14.505 -4.934 42.451 39.127 7.832 5520.81 5088.43 7.832
130.05 0.992 13.823 14.506 -4.938 42.48 39.131 7.884 5567.06 5128.18 7.884
131.05 0.992 13.823 14.507 -4.945 42.48 39.136 7.873 5609.54 5167.89 7.873
132.05 0.992 13.823 14.508 -4.949 42.51 39.14 7.926 5655.9 5207.62 7.926
133.05 0.993 13.823 14.508 -4.955 42.51 39.145 7.916 5698.41 5247.37 7.915
134.05 0.993 13.824 14.509 -4.959 42.539 39.149 7.969 5744.89 5287.07 7.969
135.05 0.993 13.824 14.51 -4.965 42.539 39.153 7.959 5787.43 5326.8 7.959
136.05 0.993 13.824 14.511 -4.969 42.569 39.158 8.013 5834.02 5366.54 8.013
137.05 0.993 13.824 14.512 -4.973 42.598 39.162 8.067 5880.69 5406.28 8.067
138.05 0.993 13.824 14.512 -4.978 42.598 39.166 8.058 5923.29 5446.01 8.058
139.05 0.993 13.824 14.513 -4.982 42.628 39.17 8.113 5970.08 5485.76 8.112
140.05 0.993 13.824 14.514 -4.987 42.628 39.174 8.104 6012.71 5525.48 8.103
141.05 0.993 13.825 14.515 -4.991 42.658 39.178 8.159 6059.62 5565.19 8.159
142.05 0.993 13.825 14.515 -4.996 42.658 39.182 8.15 6102.28 5604.94 8.15
143.05 0.993 13.825 14.516 -5 42.689 39.186 8.207 6149.31 5644.67 8.207
144.05 0.993 13.825 14.517 -5.005 42.689 39.189 8.198 6192 5684.4 8.198
145.05 0.993 13.825 14.517 -5.008 42.719 39.193 8.255 6239.16 5724.13 8.255
146.05 0.993 13.825 14.518 -5.013 42.719 39.197 8.246 6281.88 5763.86 8.246
147.05 0.993 13.825 14.519 -5.018 42.719 39.2 8.238 6324.6 5803.61 8.238
148.05 0.993 13.825 14.519 -5.021 42.75 39.204 8.296 6371.9 5843.32 8.296
149.05 0.993 13.825 14.52 -5.026 42.75 39.207 8.287 6414.65 5883.05 8.287
150.05 0.993 13.825 14.521 -5.029 42.781 39.211 8.346 6462.09 5922.77 8.346
151.05 0.993 13.825 14.521 -5.034 42.781 39.214 8.338 6504.87 5962.52 8.338
152.05 0.993 13.826 14.522 -5.037 42.812 39.218 8.397 6552.43 6002.26 8.396
153.05 0.994 13.826 14.523 -5.041 42.812 39.221 8.389 6595.24 6041.96 8.389
154.05 0.994 13.826 14.523 -5.044 42.844 39.224 8.448 6642.94 6081.72 8.448
155.05 0.994 13.826 14.524 -5.048 42.844 39.228 8.441 6685.78 6121.43 8.441
156.05 0.994 13.826 14.524 -5.053 42.844 39.231 8.433 6728.62 6161.19 8.433
157.05 0.994 13.826 14.525 -5.055 42.876 39.234 8.494 6776.48 6200.93 8.493
158.05 0.994 13.826 14.526 -5.06 42.876 39.237 8.486 6819.35 6240.64 8.486
159.05 0.994 13.826 14.526 -5.062 42.908 39.24 8.547 6867.34 6280.36 8.547
160.05 0.994 13.826 14.527 -5.066 42.908 39.243 8.54 6910.25 6320.1 8.54
161.05 0.994 13.826 14.527 -5.07 42.908 39.246 8.533 6953.16 6359.84 8.533
162.05 0.994 13.826 14.528 -5.073 42.94 39.249 8.595 7001.31 6399.58 8.595
163.05 0.994 13.826 14.528 -5.077 42.94 39.252 8.588 7044.25 6439.3 8.588
164.05 0.994 13.826 14.529 -5.081 42.94 39.255 8.581 7087.19 6479.05 8.581
165.05 0.994 13.827 14.529 -5.083 42.972 39.258 8.643 7135.52 6518.77 8.643
166.05 0.994 13.827 14.53 -5.087 42.972 39.261 8.637 7178.49 6558.52 8.637
167.05 0.994 13.827 14.53 -5.091 42.972 39.264 8.63 7221.46 6598.21 8.631
168.05 0.994 13.827 14.531 -5.093 43.005 39.266 8.693 7269.96 6637.97 8.693
169.05 0.994 13.827 14.532 -5.097 43.005 39.269 8.687 7312.97 6677.73 8.687
170.05 0.994 13.827 14.532 -5.099 43.038 39.272 8.751 7361.61 6717.4 8.751
171.05 0.994 13.827 14.533 -5.102 43.038 39.274 8.744 7404.65 6757.13 8.745
172.05 0.994 13.827 14.533 -5.106 43.038 39.277 8.738 7447.69 6796.9 8.738
173.05 0.994 13.827 14.533 -5.108 43.071 39.28 8.803 7496.51 6836.63 8.803
174.05 0.994 13.827 14.534 -5.112 43.071 39.282 8.797 7539.58 6876.39 8.796
175.05 0.994 13.827 14.534 -5.115 43.071 39.285 8.791 7582.65 6916.09 8.791
176.05 0.994 13.827 14.535 -5.117 43.105 39.287 8.856 7631.66 6955.8 8.856
177.05 0.994 13.827 14.535 -5.12 43.105 39.29 8.85 7674.76 6995.52 8.85
178.05 0.994 13.827 14.536 -5.124 43.105 39.292 8.844 7717.87 7035.31 8.844
179.05 0.994 13.827 14.536 -5.127 43.105 39.295 8.839 7760.97 7075.01 8.839
180.05 0.994 13.828 14.537 -5.129 43.138 39.297 8.904 7810.2 7114.76 8.904
181.05 0.995 13.828 14.537 -5.132 43.138 39.3 8.899 7853.34 7154.5 8.899
182.05 0.995 13.828 14.538 -5.135 43.138 39.302 8.893 7896.47 7194.19 8.894
183.05 0.995 13.828 14.538 -5.137 43.172 39.304 8.96 7945.89 7233.93 8.96
184.05 0.995 13.828 14.538 -5.14 43.172 39.307 8.955 7989.06 7273.69 8.954
185.05 0.995 13.828 14.539 -5.143 43.172 39.309 8.949 8032.23 7313.4 8.949
186.05 0.995 13.828 14.539 -5.145 43.207 39.311 9.016 8081.84 7353.12 9.017
187.05 0.995 13.828 14.54 -5.148 43.207 39.313 9.011 8125.05 7392.86 9.012
188.05 0.995 13.828 14.54 -5.151 43.207 39.316 9.006 8168.25 7432.6 9.006
189.05 0.995 13.828 14.541 -5.153 43.207 39.318 9.001 8211.46 7472.33 9.001
190.05 0.995 13.828 14.541 -5.155 43.242 39.32 9.069 8261.3 7512.06 9.069
191.05 0.995 13.828 14.541 -5.158 43.242 39.322 9.064 8304.54 7551.77 9.065
192.05 0.995 13.828 14.542 -5.161 43.242 39.324 9.059 8347.78 7591.55 9.059
193.05 0.995 13.828 14.542 -5.164 43.242 39.326 9.054 8391.02 7631.29 9.054
194.05 0.995 13.828 14.543 -5.165 43.277 39.328 9.123 8441.1 7671 9.123
195.05 0.995 13.828 14.543 -5.168 43.277 39.331 9.118 8484.37 7710.76 9.118
196.05 0.995 13.828 14.543 -5.17 43.277 39.333 9.114 8527.65 7750.46 9.114
197.05 0.995 13.828 14.544 -5.172 43.312 39.335 9.183 8577.93 7790.21 9.183
198.05 0.995 13.828 14.544 -5.175 43.312 39.337 9.179 8621.24 7829.98 9.178
199.05 0.995 13.828 14.544 -5.177 43.312 39.339 9.174 8664.55 7869.68 9.174
200.05 0.995 13.828 14.545 -5.18 43.312 39.341 9.169 8707.86 7909.4 9.169
201.05 0.995 13.829 14.545 -5.181 43.348 39.342 9.24 8758.39 7949.13 9.24
202.05 0.995 13.829 14.545 -5.184 43.348 39.344 9.235 8801.73 7988.87 9.235
203.05 0.995 13.829 14.546 -5.186 43.348 39.346 9.231 8845.08 8028.61 9.231
204.05 0.995 13.829 14.546 -5.189 43.348 39.348 9.227 8888.43 8068.35 9.226
205.05 0.995 13.829 14.547 -5.191 43.348 39.35 9.222 8931.78 8108.07 9.222
206.05 0.995 13.829 14.547 -5.192 43.384 39.352 9.293 8982.58 8147.78 9.294
207.05 0.995 13.829 14.547 -5.195 43.384 39.354 9.289 9025.97 8187.56 9.289
208.05 0.995 13.829 14.548 -5.197 43.384 39.356 9.285 9069.35 8227.22 9.285
209.05 0.995 13.829 14.548 -5.2 43.384 39.357 9.281 9112.73 8267.05 9.28
210.05 0.995 13.829 14.548 -5.201 43.42 39.359 9.353 9163.8 8306.73 9.353
211.05 0.995 13.829 14.549 -5.203 43.42 39.361 9.349 9207.22 8346.48 9.349
212.05 0.995 13.829 14.549 -5.205 43.42 39.363 9.345 9250.64 8386.17 9.345
213.05 0.995 13.829 14.549 -5.208 43.42 39.364 9.341 9294.06 8425.92 9.341
214.05 0.995 13.829 14.549 -5.21 43.42 39.366 9.337 9337.48 8465.71 9.336
215.05 0.995 13.829 14.55 -5.211 43.457 39.368 9.41 9388.84 8505.43 9.409
216.05 0.995 13.829 14.55 -5.213 43.457 39.369 9.406 9432.3 8545.08 9.406
217.05 0.995 13.829 14.55 -5.216 43.457 39.371 9.402 9475.75 8584.87 9.402
218.05 0.995 13.829 14.551 -5.218 43.457 39.373 9.398 9519.21 8624.57 9.398
219.05 0.995 13.829 14.551 -5.219 43.494 39.374 9.472 9570.84 8664.3 9.472
220.05 0.995 13.829 14.551 -5.221 43.494 39.376 9.468 9614.33 8704.04 9.468
221.05 0.995 13.829 14.552 -5.223 43.494 39.378 9.464 9657.82 8743.8 9.464
222.05 0.996 13.829 14.552 -5.225 43.494 39.379 9.46 9701.32 8783.56 9.46
223.05 0.996 13.829 14.552 -5.227 43.494 39.381 9.457 9744.81 8823.21 9.457
224.05 0.996 13.83 14.553 -5.228 43.531 39.382 9.531 9796.75 8862.97 9.531
225.05 0.996 13.83 14.553 -5.23 43.531 39.384 9.528 9840.28 8902.73 9.528
226.05 0.996 13.83 14.553 -5.232 43.531 39.385 9.524 9883.81 8942.48 9.524
227.05 0.996 13.83 14.553 -5.234 43.531 39.387 9.521 9927.34 8982.21 9.521
228.05 0.996 13.83 14.554 -5.236 43.531 39.389 9.517 9970.88 9021.92 9.517
229.05 0.996 13.83 14.554 -5.237 43.569 39.39 9.593 10023.1 9061.6 9.593
230.05 0.996 13.83 14.554 -5.239 43.569 39.391 9.589 10066.7 9101.38 9.589
231.05 0.996 13.83 14.554 -5.241 43.569 39.393 9.586 10110.3 9141.12 9.586
232.05 0.996 13.83 14.555 -5.243 43.569 39.394 9.582 10153.8 9180.83 9.583
233.05 0.996 13.83 14.555 -5.245 43.569 39.396 9.579 10197.4 9220.62 9.579
234.05 0.996 13.83 14.555 -5.247 43.569 39.397 9.576 10241 9260.35 9.575
235.05 0.996 13.83 14.556 -5.247 43.608 39.399 9.652 10293.6 9300.04 9.652
236.05 0.996 13.83 14.556 -5.249 43.608 39.4 9.649 10337.2 9339.79 9.649
237.05 0.996 13.83 14.556 -5.251 43.608 39.402 9.646 10380.8 9379.48 9.646
238.05 0.996 13.83 14.556 -5.253 43.608 39.403 9.642 10424.4 9419.24 9.643
239.05 0.996 13.83 14.557 -5.255 43.608 39.404 9.639 10468 9458.92 9.64
240.05 0.996 13.83 14.557 -5.255 43.647 39.406 9.716 10521 9498.66 9.717
241.05 0.996 13.83 14.557 -5.257 43.647 39.407 9.713 10564.6 9538.46 9.713
242.05 0.996 13.83 14.557 -5.259 43.647 39.408 9.71 10608.3 9578.17 9.71
243.05 0.996 13.83 14.558 -5.261 43.647 39.41 9.707 10651.9 9617.92 9.707
244.05 0.996 13.83 14.558 -5.263 43.647 39.411 9.704 10695.6 9657.72 9.703
245.05 0.996 13.83 14.558 -5.264 43.647 39.412 9.701 10739.2 9697.42 9.701
246.05 0.996 13.83 14.558 -5.265 43.686 39.414 9.779 10792.5 9737.15 9.779
247.05 0.996 13.83 14.559 -5.267 43.686 39.415 9.776 10836.2 9776.92 9.776
248.05 0.996 13.83 14.559 -5.268 43.686 39.416 9.773 10879.9 9816.57 9.774
249.05 0.996 13.83 14.559 -5.27 43.686 39.417 9.77 10923.6 9856.39 9.77
250.05 0.996 13.83 14.559 -5.272 43.686 39.419 9.768 10967.3 9896.08 9.767
251.05 0.996 13.83 14.559 -5.273 43.686 39.42 9.765 11011 9935.8 9.765
252.05 0.996 13.83 14.56 -5.275 43.686 39.421 9.762 11054.7 9975.52 9.762
253.05 0.996 13.83 14.56 -5.276 43.725 39.422 9.841 11108.4 10015.3 9.841
254.05 0.996 13.83 14.56 -5.277 43.725 39.424 9.838 11152.1 10055 9.838
255.05 0.996 13.83 14.56 -5.279 43.725 39.425 9.835 11195.9 10094.8 9.835
256.05 0.996 13.83 14.561 -5.28 43.725 39.426 9.833 11239.6 10134.5 9.832
257.05 0.996 13.83 14.561 -5.282 43.725 39.427 9.83 11283.3 10174.2 9.829
258.05 0.996 13.83 14.561 -5.284 43.725 39.428 9.827 11327 10214 9.827
259.05 0.996 13.83 14.561 -5.284 43.766 39.43 9.907 11381.2 10253.7 9.907
260.05 0.996 13.83 14.561 -5.285 43.766 39.431 9.905 11425 10293.4 9.904
261.05 0.996 13.83 14.562 -5.287 43.766 39.432 9.902 11468.7 10333.1 9.902
262.05 0.996 13.83 14.562 -5.289 43.766 39.433 9.899 11512.5 10372.8 9.9
263.05 0.996 13.83 14.562 -5.29 43.766 39.434 9.897 11556.3 10412.6 9.897
264.05 0.996 13.83 14.562 -5.292 43.766 39.435 9.894 11600 10452.4 9.894
265.05 0.996 13.83 14.563 -5.293 43.766 39.436 9.892 11643.8 10492.1 9.891
266.05 0.996 13.831 14.563 -5.293 43.806 39.438 9.973 11698.4 10531.8 9.972
267.05 0.996 13.831 14.563 -5.295 43.806 39.439 9.97 11742.2 10571.5 9.97
268.05 0.996 13.831 14.563 -5.296 43.806 39.44 9.968 11786 10611.3 9.967
269.05 0.996 13.831 14.563 -5.298 43.806 39.441 9.965 11829.8 10651 9.965
270.05 0.996 13.831 14.564 -5.299 43.806 39.442 9.963 11873.6 10690.7 9.962
271.05 0.996 13.831 14.564 -5.301 43.806 39.443 9.96 11917.5 10730.4 9.961
272.05 0.996 13.831 14.564 -5.302 43.806 39.444 9.958 11961.3 10770.1 9.958
273.05 0.996 13.831 14.564 -5.302 43.847 39.445 10.04 12016.3 10809.8 10.041
274.05 0.996 13.831 14.564 -5.304 43.847 39.446 10.037 12060.2 10849.7 10.038
275.05 0.996 13.831 14.565 -5.305 43.847 39.447 10.035 12104 10889.4 10.035
276.05 0.996 13.831 14.565 -5.307 43.847 39.448 10.033 12147.9 10929.1 10.033
277.05 0.996 13.831 14.565 -5.308 43.847 39.449 10.03 12191.7 10968.8 10.031
278.05 0.996 13.831 14.565 -5.309 43.847 39.45 10.028 12235.6 11008.5 10.029
279.05 0.996 13.831 14.565 -5.311 43.847 39.451 10.026 12279.4 11048.3 10.026
280.05 0.996 13.831 14.565 -5.312 43.847 39.452 10.023 12323.3 11088 10.024
281.05 0.996 13.831 14.566 -5.312 43.889 39.453 10.107 12378.9 11127.8 10.106
282.05 0.996 13.831 14.566 -5.314 43.889 39.454 10.104 12422.8 11167.5 10.104
283.05 0.996 13.831 14.566 -5.315 43.889 39.455 10.102 12466.7 11207.3 10.102
284.05 0.996 13.831 14.566 -5.316 43.889 39.456 10.1 12510.5 11247 10.1
285.05 0.997 13.831 14.566 -5.317 43.889 39.457 10.098 12554.4 11286.8 10.097
286.05 0.997 13.831 14.567 -5.319 43.889 39.458 10.096 12598.3 11326.5 10.096
287.05 0.997 13.831 14.567 -5.32 43.889 39.459 10.093 12642.2 11366.2 10.093
288.05 0.997 13.831 14.567 -5.321 43.889 39.46 10.091 12686.1 11405.9 10.092
289.05 0.997 13.831 14.567 -5.321 43.931 39.461 10.175 12742.2 11445.8 10.175
290.05 0.997 13.831 14.567 -5.323 43.931 39.462 10.173 12786.2 11485.3 10.174
291.05 0.997 13.831 14.567 -5.324 43.931 39.463 10.171 12830.1 11525.2 10.171
292.05 0.997 13.831 14.568 -5.325 43.931 39.464 10.169 12874 11564.9 10.169
293.05 0.997 13.831 14.568 -5.326 43.931 39.465 10.167 12918 11604.5 10.168
294.05 0.997 13.831 14.568 -5.328 43.931 39.466 10.165 12961.9 11644.4 10.165
295.05 0.997 13.831 14.568 -5.329 43.931 39.467 10.163 13005.8 11684.1 10.163
296.05 0.997 13.831 14.568 -5.33 43.931 39.467 10.161 13049.8 11723.9 10.16
297.05 0.997 13.831 14.568 -5.331 43.931 39.468 10.159 13093.7 11763.5 10.159
298.05 0.997 13.831 14.569 -5.331 43.974 39.469 10.244 13150.4 11803.2 10.245
299.05 0.997 13.831 14.569 -5.332 43.974 39.47 10.242 13194.4 11842.9 10.243
300.05 0.997 13.831 14.569 -5.334 43.974 39.471 10.24 13238.4 11882.7 10.24
301.05 0.997 13.831 14.569 -5.335 43.974 39.472 10.238 13282.3 11922.4 10.239
302.05 0.997 13.831 14.569 -5.336 43.974 39.473 10.236 13326.3 11962.2 10.236
303.05 0.997 13.831 14.569 -5.337 43.974 39.474 10.234 13370.3 12002 10.234
304.05 0.997 13.831 14.57 -5.338 43.974 39.474 10.232 13414.3 12041.7 10.232
305.05 0.997 13.831 14.57 -5.339 43.974 39.475 10.231 13458.2 12081.3 10.231
306.05 0.997 13.831 14.57 -5.341 43.974 39.476 10.229 13502.2 12121.1 10.229
307.05 0.997 13.831 14.57 -5.341 44.017 39.477 10.315 13559.6 12160.8 10.316
308.05 0.997 13.831 14.57 -5.342 44.017 39.478 10.313 13603.6 12200.7 10.313
309.05 0.997 13.831 14.57 -5.343 44.017 39.479 10.311 13647.6 12240.4 10.311
310.05 0.997 13.831 14.57 -5.344 44.017 39.479 10.31 13691.6 12280.1 10.309
311.05 0.997 13.831 14.571 -5.345 44.017 39.48 10.308 13735.6 12319.7 10.309
312.05 0.997 13.831 14.571 -5.346 44.017 39.481 10.306 13779.6 12359.5 10.306
313.05 0.997 13.831 14.571 -5.347 44.017 39.482 10.304 13823.7 12399.3 10.304
314.05 0.997 13.831 14.571 -5.348 44.017 39.483 10.302 13867.7 12438.9 10.303
315.05 0.997 13.831 14.571 -5.349 44.017 39.483 10.3 13911.7 12478.7 10.3
316.05 0.997 13.831 14.571 -5.35 44.017 39.484 10.299 13955.7 12518.4 10.299
317.05 0.997 13.831 14.572 -5.35 44.061 39.485 10.387 14013.7 12558.3 10.386
318.05 0.997 13.831 14.572 -5.351 44.061 39.486 10.385 14057.8 12597.9 10.385
319.05 0.997 13.831 14.572 -5.352 44.061 39.487 10.383 14101.9 12637.6 10.384
320.05 0.997 13.831 14.572 -5.353 44.061 39.487 10.381 14145.9 12677.5 10.381
321.05 0.997 13.831 14.572 -5.354 44.061 39.488 10.38 14190 12717.2 10.379
322.05 0.997 13.831 14.572 -5.355 44.061 39.489 10.378 14234 12756.8 10.378
323.05 0.997 13.831 14.572 -5.356 44.061 39.49 10.376 14278.1 12796.5 10.377
324.05 0.997 13.831 14.573 -5.357 44.061 39.49 10.374 14322.2 12836.4 10.374
325.05 0.997 13.831 14.573 -5.358 44.061 39.491 10.373 14366.2 12876.1 10.373
326.05 0.997 13.831 14.573 -5.359 44.061 39.492 10.371 14410.3 12915.7 10.372
327.05 0.997 13.832 14.573 -5.359 44.106 39.493 10.46 14469 12955.6 10.46
328.05 0.997 13.832 14.573 -5.36 44.106 39.493 10.458 14513.1 12995.2 10.459
329.05 0.997 13.832 14.573 -5.361 44.106 39.494 10.457 14557.2 13035.1 10.456
330.05 0.997 13.832 14.573 -5.362 44.106 39.495 10.455 14601.3 13074.7 10.456
331.05 0.997 13.832 14.573 -5.363 44.106 39.496 10.454 14645.4 13114.5 10.453
332.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.364 44.106 39.496 10.452 14689.5 13154.3 10.451
333.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.365 44.106 39.497 10.45 14733.7 13193.9 10.451
334.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.366 44.106 39.498 10.449 14777.8 13233.6 10.449
335.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.367 44.106 39.498 10.447 14821.9 13273.3 10.448
336.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.368 44.106 39.499 10.446 14866 13313 10.446
337.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.369 44.106 39.5 10.444 14910.1 13353 10.443
338.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.369 44.152 39.5 10.534 14969.6 13392.6 10.534
339.05 0.997 13.832 14.574 -5.37 44.152 39.501 10.533 15013.7 13432.5 10.532
340.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.371 44.152 39.502 10.531 15057.9 13472 10.532
341.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.372 44.152 39.502 10.53 15102 13511.8 10.53
342.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.372 44.152 39.503 10.528 15146.2 13551.6 10.528
343.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.373 44.152 39.504 10.527 15190.3 13591.2 10.527
344.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.374 44.152 39.505 10.525 15234.5 13630.9 10.526
345.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.375 44.152 39.505 10.524 15278.6 13670.8 10.524
346.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.376 44.152 39.506 10.522 15322.8 13710.6 10.522
347.05 0.997 13.832 14.575 -5.377 44.152 39.506 10.521 15366.9 13750.3 10.52
348.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.378 44.152 39.507 10.519 15411.1 13790.1 10.519
349.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.379 44.152 39.508 10.518 15455.2 13829.7 10.518
350.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.378 44.198 39.508 10.61 15515.6 13869.3 10.611
351.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.379 44.198 39.509 10.608 15559.8 13909.1 10.609
352.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.38 44.198 39.51 10.607 15604 13948.8 10.607
353.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.381 44.198 39.51 10.605 15648.2 13988.5 10.606
354.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.382 44.198 39.511 10.604 15692.4 14028.4 10.604
355.05 0.997 13.832 14.576 -5.383 44.198 39.512 10.603 15736.6 14068.2 10.602
356.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.384 44.198 39.512 10.601 15780.7 14107.9 10.6
357.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.384 44.198 39.513 10.6 15824.9 14147.6 10.599
358.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.385 44.198 39.513 10.598 15869.1 14187.2 10.599
359.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.386 44.198 39.514 10.597 15913.3 14227 10.597
360.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.387 44.198 39.515 10.596 15957.5 14266.7 10.596
361.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.388 44.198 39.515 10.594 16001.7 14306.3 10.595
362.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.388 44.198 39.516 10.593 16045.9 14346.2 10.593
363.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.388 44.244 39.516 10.686 16107.2 14385.9 10.686
364.05 0.997 13.832 14.577 -5.389 44.244 39.517 10.685 16151.4 14425.6 10.685
365.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.39 44.244 39.518 10.683 16195.7 14465.5 10.683
366.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.391 44.244 39.518 10.682 16239.9 14505.2 10.682
367.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.391 44.244 39.519 10.681 16284.2 14544.9 10.681
368.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.392 44.244 39.519 10.679 16328.4 14584.5 10.68
369.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.393 44.244 39.52 10.678 16372.7 14624.3 10.679
370.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.394 44.244 39.521 10.677 16416.9 14663.9 10.678
371.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.394 44.244 39.521 10.676 16461.1 14703.8 10.676
372.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.395 44.244 39.522 10.674 16505.4 14743.6 10.674
373.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.396 44.244 39.522 10.673 16549.6 14783.3 10.673
374.05 0.997 13.832 14.578 -5.397 44.244 39.523 10.672 16593.9 14823.1 10.671
375.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.398 44.244 39.523 10.67 16638.1 14862.9 10.67
376.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.398 44.244 39.524 10.669 16682.4 14902.5 10.669
377.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.398 44.292 39.525 10.764 16744.6 14942.3 10.763
378.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.399 44.292 39.525 10.763 16788.9 14982 10.762
379.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.399 44.292 39.526 10.762 16833.2 15021.6 10.762
380.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.4 44.292 39.526 10.76 16877.5 15061.4 10.76
381.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.401 44.292 39.527 10.759 16921.8 15101 10.76
382.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.402 44.292 39.527 10.758 16966.1 15140.9 10.758
383.05 0.997 13.832 14.579 -5.402 44.292 39.528 10.757 17010.4 15180.6 10.757
384.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.403 44.292 39.528 10.755 17054.7 15220.2 10.756
385.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.404 44.292 39.529 10.754 17098.9 15260 10.755
386.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.405 44.292 39.529 10.753 17143.2 15300 10.752
387.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.405 44.292 39.53 10.752 17187.5 15339.5 10.753
388.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.406 44.292 39.53 10.751 17231.8 15379.1 10.752
389.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.407 44.292 39.531 10.749 17276.1 15419 10.749
390.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.407 44.292 39.531 10.748 17320.4 15458.8 10.748
391.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.408 44.292 39.532 10.747 17364.7 15498.3 10.748
392.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.408 44.341 39.533 10.844 17428 15538.1 10.844
393.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.408 44.341 39.533 10.842 17472.4 15578.1 10.842
394.05 0.997 13.832 14.58 -5.409 44.341 39.534 10.841 17516.7 15617.6 10.842
395.05 0.997 13.832 14.581 -5.41 44.341 39.534 10.84 17561.1 15657.6 10.839
396.05 0.997 13.832 14.581 -5.41 44.341 39.535 10.839 17605.4 15697 10.84
397.05 0.997 13.832 14.581 -5.411 44.341 39.535 10.838 17649.7 15736.7 10.839
398.05 0.997 13.832 14.581 -5.412 44.341 39.536 10.837 17694.1 15776.6 10.837
399.05 0.998 13.832 14.581 -5.412 44.341 39.536 10.836 17738.4 15816.3 10.836
400.05 0.998 13.832 14.581 -5.413 44.341 39.537 10.834 17782.8 15856.2 10.834
401.05 0.998 13.832 14.581 -5.414 44.341 39.537 10.833 17827.1 15895.9 10.833
402.05 0.998 13.832 14.581 -5.414 44.341 39.538 10.832 17871.4 15935.4 10.833
403.05 0.998 13.832 14.581 -5.415 44.341 39.538 10.831 17915.8 15975.2 10.832
404.05 0.998 13.832 14.581 -5.416 44.341 39.538 10.83 17960.1 16015.1 10.83
405.05 0.998 13.832 14.581 -5.416 44.341 39.539 10.829 18004.5 16054.8 10.829
406.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.417 44.341 39.539 10.828 18048.8 16094.4 10.829
407.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.418 44.341 39.54 10.827 18093.1 16134.1 10.828
408.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.417 44.39 39.54 10.925 18157.7 16174 10.925
409.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.418 44.39 39.541 10.924 18202.1 16213.7 10.924
410.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.419 44.39 39.541 10.923 18246.4 16253.3 10.924
411.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.419 44.39 39.542 10.922 18290.8 16293.4 10.921
412.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.42 44.39 39.542 10.921 18335.2 16332.9 10.921
413.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.42 44.39 39.543 10.92 18379.6 16372.6 10.92
414.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.421 44.39 39.543 10.919 18424 16412.4 10.918
415.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.422 44.39 39.544 10.918 18468.4 16452.1 10.918
416.05 0.998 13.832 14.582 -5.422 44.39 39.544 10.916 18512.8 16492 10.916
417.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.423 44.39 39.545 10.915 18557.2 16531.6 10.915
418.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.424 44.39 39.545 10.914 18601.6 16571.4 10.914
419.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.424 44.39 39.545 10.913 18646 16611.1 10.913
420.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.425 44.39 39.546 10.912 18690.3 16650.8 10.912
421.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.425 44.39 39.546 10.911 18734.7 16690.4 10.912
422.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.426 44.39 39.547 10.91 18779.1 16730.2 10.911
423.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.426 44.39 39.547 10.909 18823.5 16770.1 10.909
424.05 0.998 13.832 14.583 -5.427 44.39 39.548 10.908 18867.9 16809.8 10.908
425.05 0.998 13.833 14.583 -5.427 44.44 39.548 11.008 18933.7 16849.2 11.009
426.05 0.998 13.833 14.583 -5.427 44.44 39.549 11.007 18978.1 16889.3 11.007
427.05 0.998 13.833 14.583 -5.428 44.44 39.549 11.006 19022.6 16928.7 11.007
428.05 0.998 13.833 14.583 -5.428 44.44 39.549 11.005 19067 16968.7 11.005
429.05 0.998 13.833 14.583 -5.429 44.44 39.55 11.004 19111.5 17008.5 11.004
430.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.43 44.44 39.55 11.003 19155.9 17048 11.004
431.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.43 44.44 39.551 11.002 19200.3 17087.7 11.003
432.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.431 44.44 39.551 11.001 19244.8 17127.6 11.001
433.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.431 44.44 39.552 11.001 19289.2 17167.2 11.001
434.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.432 44.44 39.552 11 19333.7 17207 11
435.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.432 44.44 39.552 10.999 19378.1 17247 10.998
436.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.433 44.44 39.553 10.998 19422.6 17286.7 10.997
437.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.434 44.44 39.553 10.997 19467 17326.2 10.997
438.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.434 44.44 39.554 10.996 19511.4 17365.8 10.997
439.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.435 44.44 39.554 10.995 19555.9 17405.6 10.996
440.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.435 44.44 39.554 10.994 19600.3 17445.6 10.993
441.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.436 44.44 39.555 10.993 19644.8 17485.3 10.993
442.05 0.998 13.833 14.584 -5.436 44.44 39.555 10.992 19689.2 17524.7 10.993
443.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.437 44.44 39.556 10.991 19733.6 17564.8 10.991
444.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.436 44.491 39.556 11.093 19800.9 17604.6 11.092
445.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.437 44.491 39.556 11.092 19845.4 17644.1 11.092
446.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.438 44.491 39.557 11.091 19889.9 17683.7 11.092
447.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.438 44.491 39.557 11.09 19934.3 17723.6 11.09
448.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.439 44.491 39.558 11.089 19978.8 17763.1 11.09
449.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.439 44.491 39.558 11.088 20023.3 17802.9 11.089
450.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.44 44.491 39.558 11.088 20067.8 17842.8 11.088
451.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.44 44.491 39.559 11.087 20112.3 17882.4 11.088
452.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.441 44.491 39.559 11.086 20156.8 17922.1 11.086
453.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.441 44.491 39.56 11.085 20201.3 17962.1 11.085
454.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.442 44.491 39.56 11.084 20245.8 18001.7 11.084
455.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.442 44.491 39.56 11.083 20290.3 18041.5 11.083
456.05 0.998 13.833 14.585 -5.443 44.491 39.561 11.082 20334.8 18081 11.083
457.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.443 44.491 39.561 11.081 20379.3 18121.2 11.08
458.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.444 44.491 39.561 11.081 20423.8 18160.5 11.081
459.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.444 44.491 39.562 11.08 20468.2 18200.5 11.079
460.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.445 44.491 39.562 11.079 20512.7 18240.2 11.079
461.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.445 44.491 39.563 11.078 20557.2 18280.1 11.077
462.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.446 44.491 39.563 11.077 20601.7 18319.6 11.077
463.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.446 44.491 39.563 11.076 20646.2 18359.3 11.077
464.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.447 44.491 39.564 11.076 20690.7 18399.2 11.075
465.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.446 44.544 39.564 11.179 20759.6 18438.7 11.18
466.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.447 44.544 39.564 11.178 20804.1 18478.4 11.179
467.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.447 44.544 39.565 11.178 20848.6 18518.2 11.178
468.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.448 44.544 39.565 11.177 20893.2 18557.8 11.178
469.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.448 44.544 39.566 11.176 20937.7 18598 11.175
470.05 0.998 13.833 14.586 -5.449 44.544 39.566 11.175 20982.3 18637.3 11.176
471.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.449 44.544 39.566 11.174 21026.8 18677.3 11.174
472.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.45 44.544 39.567 11.174 21071.4 18717 11.173
473.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.45 44.544 39.567 11.173 21115.9 18756.8 11.172
474.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.451 44.544 39.567 11.172 21160.4 18796.3 11.173
475.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.451 44.544 39.568 11.171 21205 18835.9 11.172
476.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.452 44.544 39.568 11.17 21249.5 18875.7 11.171
477.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.452 44.544 39.568 11.17 21294.1 18915.7 11.169
478.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.452 44.544 39.569 11.169 21338.6 18955.3 11.169
479.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.453 44.544 39.569 11.168 21383.2 18995 11.168
480.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.453 44.544 39.569 11.167 21427.7 19035 11.167
481.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.454 44.544 39.57 11.167 21472.3 19074.5 11.167
482.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.454 44.544 39.57 11.166 21516.8 19114.2 11.166
483.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.455 44.544 39.57 11.165 21561.3 19154.1 11.165
484.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.455 44.544 39.571 11.164 21605.9 19193.6 11.165
485.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.456 44.544 39.571 11.163 21650.4 19233.8 11.162
486.05 0.998 13.833 14.587 -5.456 44.544 39.571 11.163 21695 19273 11.164
487.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.456 44.597 39.572 11.268 21765.6 19313 11.268
488.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.456 44.597 39.572 11.268 21810.2 19352.5 11.268
489.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.457 44.597 39.572 11.267 21854.8 19392.3 11.268
490.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.457 44.597 39.573 11.266 21899.4 19432.2 11.266
491.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.457 44.597 39.573 11.265 21944 19471.7 11.266
492.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.458 44.597 39.573 11.265 21988.6 19511.9 11.264
493.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.458 44.597 39.574 11.264 22033.2 19551.1 11.265
494.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.459 44.597 39.574 11.263 22077.7 19591.1 11.263
495.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.459 44.597 39.574 11.262 22122.3 19630.6 11.263
496.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.46 44.597 39.575 11.262 22166.9 19670.3 11.263
497.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.46 44.597 39.575 11.261 22211.5 19710.2 11.262
498.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.46 44.597 39.575 11.26 22256.1 19750.2 11.259
499.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.461 44.597 39.576 11.26 22300.7 19789.8 11.259
500.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.461 44.597 39.576 11.259 22345.3 19829.6 11.259
501.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.462 44.597 39.576 11.258 22389.9 19869.5 11.257
502.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.462 44.597 39.577 11.257 22434.5 19909 11.257
503.05 0.998 13.833 14.588 -5.463 44.597 39.577 11.257 22479.1 19948.6 11.257
504.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.463 44.597 39.577 11.256 22523.7 19988.4 11.256
505.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.463 44.597 39.578 11.255 22568.3 20028.3 11.255
506.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.464 44.597 39.578 11.255 22612.9 20067.8 11.255
507.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.464 44.597 39.578 11.254 22657.5 20107.5 11.255
508.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.465 44.597 39.578 11.253 22702.1 20147.3 11.254
509.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.465 44.597 39.579 11.253 22746.7 20187.3 11.252
510.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.465 44.597 39.579 11.252 22791.3 20226.8 11.252
511.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.466 44.597 39.579 11.251 22835.9 20266.5 11.252
512.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.465 44.652 39.58 11.359 22908.5 20306.3 11.359
513.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.466 44.652 39.58 11.358 22953.1 20346.2 11.357
514.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.466 44.652 39.58 11.358 22997.8 20385.8 11.358
515.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.467 44.652 39.581 11.357 23042.4 20425.4 11.357
516.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.467 44.652 39.581 11.356 23087.1 20465.2 11.356
517.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.467 44.652 39.581 11.356 23131.7 20505.2 11.355
518.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.468 44.652 39.581 11.355 23176.4 20544.7 11.355
519.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.468 44.652 39.582 11.354 23221 20584.3 11.355
520.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.469 44.652 39.582 11.354 23265.7 20624.1 11.354
521.05 0.998 13.833 14.589 -5.469 44.652 39.582 11.353 23310.3 20664 11.353
522.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.469 44.652 39.583 11.352 23355 20703.5 11.353
523.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.47 44.652 39.583 11.352 23399.7 20743.1 11.353
524.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.47 44.652 39.583 11.351 23444.3 20782.8 11.352
525.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.471 44.652 39.583 11.35 23489 20822.7 11.351
526.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.471 44.652 39.584 11.35 23533.6 20862.8 11.349
527.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.471 44.652 39.584 11.349 23578.3 20902.3 11.349
528.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.472 44.652 39.584 11.349 23622.9 20942 11.349
529.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.472 44.652 39.585 11.348 23667.6 20981.9 11.348
530.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.472 44.652 39.585 11.347 23712.2 21021.2 11.349
531.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.473 44.652 39.585 11.347 23756.9 21061.4 11.346
532.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.473 44.652 39.585 11.346 23801.5 21101 11.346
533.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.474 44.652 39.586 11.345 23846.2 21140.8 11.345
534.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.474 44.652 39.586 11.345 23890.8 21180.7 11.344
535.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.474 44.652 39.586 11.344 23935.5 21220.1 11.345
536.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.475 44.652 39.587 11.344 23980.1 21259.6 11.345
537.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.475 44.652 39.587 11.343 24024.8 21299.3 11.344
538.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.475 44.652 39.587 11.342 24069.4 21339.2 11.343
539.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.476 44.652 39.587 11.342 24114.1 21379.2 11.342
540.05 0.998 13.833 14.59 -5.475 44.707 39.588 11.452 24188.9 21418.6 11.453
541.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.476 44.707 39.588 11.451 24233.6 21458.9 11.45
542.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.476 44.707 39.588 11.451 24278.3 21498.6 11.449
543.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.476 44.707 39.588 11.45 24323 21537.8 11.451
544.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.477 44.707 39.589 11.449 24367.8 21577.8 11.449
545.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.477 44.707 39.589 11.449 24412.5 21617.3 11.45
546.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.477 44.707 39.589 11.448 24457.2 21656.9 11.45
547.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.478 44.707 39.59 11.448 24501.9 21696.7 11.449
548.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.478 44.707 39.59 11.447 24546.6 21736.6 11.448
549.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.478 44.707 39.59 11.446 24591.3 21776.7 11.446
550.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.479 44.707 39.59 11.446 24636 21816.1 11.446
551.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.479 44.707 39.591 11.445 24680.7 21855.8 11.446
552.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.48 44.707 39.591 11.445 24725.4 21895.5 11.445
553.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.48 44.707 39.591 11.444 24770.1 21935.4 11.444
554.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.48 44.707 39.591 11.444 24814.8 21975.5 11.442
555.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.481 44.707 39.592 11.443 24859.5 22015 11.443
556.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.481 44.707 39.592 11.442 24904.2 22054.6 11.442
557.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.481 44.707 39.592 11.442 24949 22094.3 11.442
558.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.482 44.707 39.592 11.441 24993.7 22134.2 11.441
559.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.482 44.707 39.593 11.441 25038.4 22173.5 11.442
560.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.482 44.707 39.593 11.44 25083.1 22213.7 11.439
561.05 0.998 13.833 14.591 -5.483 44.707 39.593 11.44 25127.8 22253.3 11.439
562.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.483 44.707 39.593 11.439 25172.5 22293 11.439
563.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.483 44.707 39.594 11.438 25217.2 22332.9 11.438
564.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.484 44.707 39.594 11.438 25261.9 22372.2 11.439
565.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.484 44.707 39.594 11.437 25306.6 22412.3 11.437
566.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.484 44.707 39.594 11.437 25351.3 22451.8 11.437
567.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.485 44.707 39.595 11.436 25396 22491.5 11.437
568.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.485 44.707 39.595 11.436 25440.7 22531.3 11.436
569.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.485 44.707 39.595 11.435 25485.4 22571.3 11.435
570.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.486 44.707 39.595 11.435 25530.1 22610.6 11.436
571.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.485 44.765 39.596 11.547 25607.6 22650.8 11.546
572.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.485 44.765 39.596 11.547 25652.3 22690.4 11.546
573.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.486 44.765 39.596 11.546 25697.1 22730.1 11.546
574.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.486 44.765 39.596 11.546 25741.9 22770 11.545
575.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.486 44.765 39.597 11.545 25786.6 22809.2 11.546
576.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.487 44.765 39.597 11.544 25831.4 22849.4 11.544
577.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.487 44.765 39.597 11.544 25876.1 22888.9 11.545
578.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.487 44.765 39.597 11.543 25920.9 22928.5 11.544
579.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.488 44.765 39.597 11.543 25965.7 22968.3 11.544
580.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.488 44.765 39.598 11.542 26010.4 23008.2 11.542
581.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.488 44.765 39.598 11.542 26055.2 23048.2 11.541
582.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.489 44.765 39.598 11.541 26100 23087.6 11.542
583.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.489 44.765 39.598 11.541 26144.7 23127.2 11.542
584.05 0.998 13.833 14.592 -5.489 44.765 39.599 11.54 26189.5 23166.8 11.542
585.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.49 44.765 39.599 11.54 26234.3 23206.6 11.541
586.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.49 44.765 39.599 11.539 26279 23246.5 11.54
587.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.49 44.765 39.599 11.539 26323.8 23286.6 11.538
588.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.49 44.765 39.6 11.538 26368.6 23326 11.539
589.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.491 44.765 39.6 11.538 26413.3 23365.5 11.539
590.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.491 44.765 39.6 11.537 26458.1 23405.9 11.536
591.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.491 44.765 39.6 11.537 26502.8 23445.7 11.535
592.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.492 44.765 39.6 11.536 26547.6 23484.8 11.537
593.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.492 44.765 39.601 11.536 26592.4 23524.9 11.535
594.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.492 44.765 39.601 11.535 26637.1 23564.2 11.536
595.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.493 44.765 39.601 11.535 26681.9 23604.5 11.534
596.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.493 44.765 39.601 11.534 26726.7 23644.1 11.534
597.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.493 44.765 39.602 11.534 26771.4 23683.9 11.533
598.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.493 44.765 39.602 11.533 26816.2 23723.8 11.532
599.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.494 44.765 39.602 11.533 26861 23762.9 11.534
600.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.494 44.765 39.602 11.532 26905.7 23803.1 11.532
601.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.494 44.765 39.602 11.532 26950.5 23842.5 11.532
602.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.495 44.765 39.603 11.531 26995.3 23882 11.533
603.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.495 44.765 39.603 11.531 27040 23921.7 11.532
604.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.495 44.765 39.603 11.53 27084.8 23961.5 11.531
605.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.495 44.765 39.603 11.53 27129.6 24001.5 11.53
606.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.495 44.823 39.604 11.645 27209.9 24041.6 11.644
607.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.495 44.823 39.604 11.645 27254.7 24080.9 11.645
608.05 0.998 13.833 14.593 -5.496 44.823 39.604 11.644 27299.5 24120.4 11.646
609.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.496 44.823 39.604 11.644 27344.4 24160.9 11.642
610.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.496 44.823 39.604 11.643 27389.2 24200.6 11.642
611.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.496 44.823 39.605 11.643 27434 24239.6 11.644
612.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.497 44.823 39.605 11.642 27478.8 24279.5 11.643
613.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.497 44.823 39.605 11.642 27523.7 24319.7 11.641
614.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.497 44.823 39.605 11.641 27568.5 24359 11.642
615.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.498 44.823 39.605 11.641 27613.3 24398.5 11.642
616.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.498 44.823 39.606 11.64 27658.1 24439 11.639
617.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.498 44.823 39.606 11.64 27703 24478.8 11.639
618.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.498 44.823 39.606 11.639 27747.8 24517.7 11.641
619.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.499 44.823 39.606 11.639 27792.6 24557.7 11.639
620.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.499 44.823 39.607 11.638 27837.4 24597.8 11.638
621.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.499 44.823 39.607 11.638 27882.2 24637.2 11.638
622.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.499 44.823 39.607 11.638 27927.1 24676.7 11.639
623.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.5 44.823 39.607 11.637 27971.9 24717.2 11.636
624.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.5 44.823 39.607 11.637 28016.7 24756.9 11.635
625.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.5 44.823 39.608 11.636 28061.5 24795.8 11.638
626.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.501 44.823 39.608 11.636 28106.4 24835.8 11.636
627.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.501 44.823 39.608 11.635 28151.2 24875.9 11.635
628.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.501 44.823 39.608 11.635 28196 24915.2 11.636
629.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.501 44.823 39.608 11.634 28240.8 24955.6 11.633
630.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.502 44.823 39.609 11.634 28285.7 24995.1 11.633
631.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.502 44.823 39.609 11.633 28330.5 25034.8 11.633
632.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.502 44.823 39.609 11.633 28375.3 25074.6 11.632
633.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.502 44.823 39.609 11.633 28420.1 25114.5 11.631
634.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.503 44.823 39.609 11.632 28465 25153.6 11.633
635.05 0.998 13.833 14.594 -5.503 44.823 39.61 11.632 28509.8 25193.8 11.631
636.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.503 44.823 39.61 11.631 28554.6 25233.1 11.632
637.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.503 44.823 39.61 11.631 28599.4 25272.6 11.632
638.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.504 44.823 39.61 11.63 28644.2 25313.2 11.629
639.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.504 44.823 39.61 11.63 28689.1 25352.9 11.629
640.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.504 44.823 39.61 11.63 28733.9 25392.7 11.628
641.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.505 44.823 39.611 11.629 28778.7 25431.7 11.63
642.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.505 44.823 39.611 11.629 28823.5 25471.8 11.628
643.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.505 44.823 39.611 11.628 28868.4 25511 11.63
644.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.505 44.823 39.611 11.628 28913.2 25551.4 11.627
645.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.505 44.883 39.611 11.746 28996.9 25590.9 11.746
646.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.505 44.883 39.612 11.746 29041.8 25630.5 11.746
647.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.505 44.883 39.612 11.745 29086.7 25670.2 11.746
648.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.506 44.883 39.612 11.745 29131.5 25710 11.745
649.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.506 44.883 39.612 11.744 29176.4 25750 11.744
650.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.506 44.883 39.612 11.744 29221.3 25790.1 11.742
651.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.506 44.883 39.613 11.743 29266.2 25829.3 11.744
652.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.507 44.883 39.613 11.743 29311.1 25868.6 11.745
653.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.507 44.883 39.613 11.743 29356 25909.1 11.742
654.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.507 44.883 39.613 11.742 29400.8 25948.7 11.742
655.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.507 44.883 39.613 11.742 29445.7 25988.4 11.742
656.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.508 44.883 39.614 11.741 29490.6 26028.2 11.741
657.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.508 44.883 39.614 11.741 29535.5 26068.1 11.74
658.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.508 44.883 39.614 11.741 29580.4 26107.1 11.742
659.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.508 44.883 39.614 11.74 29625.3 26147.3 11.74
660.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.509 44.883 39.614 11.74 29670.1 26186.6 11.741
661.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.509 44.883 39.614 11.739 29715 26227 11.738
662.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.509 44.883 39.615 11.739 29759.9 26266.5 11.739
663.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.509 44.883 39.615 11.739 29804.8 26306.2 11.739
664.05 0.998 13.833 14.595 -5.509 44.883 39.615 11.738 29849.7 26345.9 11.738
665.05 0.998 13.833 14.596 -5.51 44.883 39.615 11.738 29894.6 26385.8 11.737
666.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.51 44.883 39.615 11.737 29939.4 26425.7 11.736
667.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.51 44.883 39.615 11.737 29984.3 26464.8 11.738
668.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.51 44.883 39.616 11.737 30029.2 26505 11.736
669.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.511 44.883 39.616 11.736 30074.1 26544.3 11.737
670.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.511 44.883 39.616 11.736 30119 26584.8 11.734
671.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.511 44.883 39.616 11.735 30163.9 26624.3 11.735
672.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.511 44.883 39.616 11.735 30208.7 26663.9 11.734
673.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.512 44.883 39.617 11.735 30253.6 26703.7 11.734
674.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.512 44.883 39.617 11.734 30298.5 26743.6 11.733
675.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.512 44.883 39.617 11.734 30343.4 26782.5 11.735
676.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.512 44.883 39.617 11.733 30388.3 26822.6 11.734
677.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.513 44.883 39.617 11.733 30433.2 26862.8 11.732
678.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.513 44.883 39.617 11.733 30478 26902.1 11.733
679.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.513 44.883 39.618 11.732 30522.9 26941.4 11.734
680.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.513 44.883 39.618 11.732 30567.8 26982 11.731
681.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.513 44.883 39.618 11.731 30612.7 27021.6 11.731
682.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.514 44.883 39.618 11.731 30657.6 27061.3 11.73
683.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.514 44.883 39.618 11.731 30702.5 27101.2 11.73
684.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.514 44.883 39.618 11.73 30747.3 27141.1 11.729
685.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.514 44.883 39.619 11.73 30792.2 27180.1 11.731
686.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.883 39.619 11.73 30837.1 27220.3 11.729
687.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.883 39.619 11.729 30882 27259.5 11.73
688.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.883 39.619 11.729 30926.9 27299.9 11.728
689.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.945 39.619 11.85 31014.5 27339.3 11.85
690.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.945 39.619 11.85 31059.4 27378.8 11.85
691.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.945 39.62 11.849 31104.4 27418.5 11.85
692.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.945 39.62 11.849 31149.3 27458.2 11.85
693.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.515 44.945 39.62 11.849 31194.2 27498.1 11.849
694.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.516 44.945 39.62 11.848 31239.2 27538.1 11.848
695.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.516 44.945 39.62 11.848 31284.1 27578.2 11.846
696.05 0.999 13.833 14.596 -5.516 44.945 39.62 11.847 31329.1 27617.3 11.848
697.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.516 44.945 39.621 11.847 31374 27657.6 11.846
698.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.517 44.945 39.621 11.847 31419 27696.9 11.847
699.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.517 44.945 39.621 11.846 31463.9 27736.3 11.847
700.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.517 44.945 39.621 11.846 31508.9 27775.8 11.848
701.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.517 44.945 39.621 11.846 31553.8 27816.6 11.844
702.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.517 44.945 39.621 11.845 31598.8 27856.3 11.844
703.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.518 44.945 39.622 11.845 31643.7 27895 11.847
704.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.518 44.945 39.622 11.845 31688.6 27935 11.845
705.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.518 44.945 39.622 11.844 31733.6 27975.1 11.844
706.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.518 44.945 39.622 11.844 31778.5 28015.3 11.842
707.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.518 44.945 39.622 11.844 31823.5 28054.4 11.844
708.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.519 44.945 39.622 11.843 31868.4 28093.7 11.845
709.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.519 44.945 39.623 11.843 31913.4 28134.2 11.842
710.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.519 44.945 39.623 11.842 31958.3 28173.7 11.843
711.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.519 44.945 39.623 11.842 32003.3 28213.2 11.843
712.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.52 44.945 39.623 11.842 32048.2 28252.9 11.843
713.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.52 44.945 39.623 11.841 32093.1 28292.7 11.842
714.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.52 44.945 39.623 11.841 32138.1 28332.6 11.841
715.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.52 44.945 39.623 11.841 32183 28372.6 11.84
716.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.52 44.945 39.624 11.84 32228 28411.5 11.842
717.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.521 44.945 39.624 11.84 32272.9 28451.8 11.84
718.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.521 44.945 39.624 11.84 32317.9 28492.1 11.838
719.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.521 44.945 39.624 11.839 32362.8 28531.4 11.839
720.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.521 44.945 39.624 11.839 32407.8 28570.7 11.84
721.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.521 44.945 39.624 11.839 32452.7 28610.2 11.84
722.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.522 44.945 39.625 11.838 32497.7 28651 11.837
723.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.522 44.945 39.625 11.838 32542.6 28690.6 11.837
724.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.522 44.945 39.625 11.838 32587.5 28730.4 11.836
725.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.522 44.945 39.625 11.837 32632.5 28769.1 11.839
726.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.522 44.945 39.625 11.837 32677.4 28809.1 11.838
727.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.523 44.945 39.625 11.837 32722.4 28849.2 11.837
728.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.523 44.945 39.625 11.836 32767.3 28889.4 11.835
729.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.523 44.945 39.626 11.836 32812.3 28928.5 11.836
730.05 0.999 13.833 14.597 -5.523 44.945 39.626 11.836 32857.2 28969 11.834
731.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.523 44.945 39.626 11.835 32902.2 29008.2 11.835
732.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.524 44.945 39.626 11.835 32947.1 29047.6 11.836
733.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.524 44.945 39.626 11.835 32992.1 29087.2 11.836
734.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.524 44.945 39.626 11.834 33037 29126.8 11.836
735.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.524 44.945 39.626 11.834 33081.9 29166.5 11.836
736.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.524 44.945 39.627 11.834 33126.9 29206.3 11.835
737.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.525 44.945 39.627 11.833 33171.8 29246.2 11.834
738.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.525 44.945 39.627 11.833 33216.8 29286.3 11.833
739.05 0.999 13.833 14.598 -5.525 44.945 39.627 11.833 33261.7 29326.5 11.831
740.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.524 45.009 39.627 11.957 33353.9 29365.4 11.958
741.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.525 45.009 39.627 11.957 33398.9 29405.8 11.956
742.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.525 45.009 39.627 11.957 33443.9 29445 11.957
743.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.525 45.009 39.628 11.956 33488.9 29484.2 11.958
744.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.525 45.009 39.628 11.956 33533.9 29524.9 11.955
745.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.525 45.009 39.628 11.956 33578.9 29564.4 11.955
746.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.526 45.009 39.628 11.955 33624 29604 11.956
747.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.526 45.009 39.628 11.955 33669 29643.7 11.955
748.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.526 45.009 39.628 11.955 33714 29683.6 11.955
749.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.526 45.009 39.628 11.954 33759 29723.5 11.954
750.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.526 45.009 39.629 11.954 33804 29763.5 11.953
751.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.527 45.009 39.629 11.954 33849 29802.3 11.955
752.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.527 45.009 39.629 11.954 33894 29842.5 11.953
753.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.527 45.009 39.629 11.953 33939 29882.9 11.951
754.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.527 45.009 39.629 11.953 33984 29922 11.953
755.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.527 45.009 39.629 11.953 34029 29961.2 11.954
756.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.527 45.009 39.629 11.952 34074 30001.9 11.951
757.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.528 45.009 39.63 11.952 34119.1 30041.3 11.952
758.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.528 45.009 39.63 11.952 34164.1 30080.8 11.952
759.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.528 45.009 39.63 11.951 34209.1 30120.4 11.952
760.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.528 45.009 39.63 11.951 34254.1 30160.1 11.952
761.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.528 45.009 39.63 11.951 34299.1 30200 11.951
762.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.529 45.009 39.63 11.95 34344.1 30239.9 11.95
763.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.529 45.009 39.63 11.95 34389.1 30279.9 11.949
764.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.529 45.009 39.631 11.95 34434.1 30318.7 11.952
765.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.529 45.009 39.631 11.95 34479.1 30359 11.95
766.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.529 45.009 39.631 11.949 34524.1 30399.3 11.948
767.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.529 45.009 39.631 11.949 34569.1 30438.4 11.949
768.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.53 45.009 39.631 11.949 34614.2 30477.6 11.951
769.05 0.999 13.834 14.598 -5.53 45.009 39.631 11.948 34659.2 30518.2 11.948
770.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.53 45.009 39.631 11.948 34704.2 30557.6 11.948
771.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.53 45.009 39.631 11.948 34749.2 30597.1 11.949
772.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.53 45.009 39.632 11.947 34794.2 30636.7 11.949
773.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.531 45.009 39.632 11.947 34839.2 30676.3 11.949
774.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.531 45.009 39.632 11.947 34884.2 30716.1 11.948
775.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.531 45.009 39.632 11.947 34929.2 30756 11.948
776.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.531 45.009 39.632 11.946 34974.2 30796 11.947
777.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.531 45.009 39.632 11.946 35019.2 30836.1 11.945
778.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.531 45.009 39.632 11.946 35064.2 30876.3 11.944
779.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.532 45.009 39.633 11.945 35109.3 30915.1 11.946
780.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.532 45.009 39.633 11.945 35154.3 30955.5 11.944
781.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.532 45.009 39.633 11.945 35199.3 30994.6 11.945
782.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.532 45.009 39.633 11.945 35244.3 31035.2 11.943
783.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.532 45.009 39.633 11.944 35289.3 31074.5 11.944
784.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.532 45.009 39.633 11.944 35334.3 31113.8 11.944
785.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.533 45.009 39.633 11.944 35379.3 31153.3 11.945
786.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.533 45.009 39.633 11.943 35424.3 31192.8 11.945
787.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.533 45.009 39.634 11.943 35469.3 31232.5 11.945
788.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.533 45.009 39.634 11.943 35514.3 31272.3 11.945
789.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.533 45.009 39.634 11.943 35559.3 31312.1 11.944
790.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.533 45.009 39.634 11.942 35604.4 31352.1 11.943
791.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.534 45.009 39.634 11.942 35649.4 31392.2 11.942
792.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.534 45.009 39.634 11.942 35694.4 31432.3 11.94
793.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.534 45.009 39.634 11.941 35739.4 31471.1 11.943
794.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.534 45.009 39.634 11.941 35784.4 31511.5 11.941
795.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.534 45.009 39.635 11.941 35829.4 31550.4 11.943
796.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.534 45.009 39.635 11.941 35874.4 31591 11.94
797.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.009 39.635 11.94 35919.4 31630.2 11.941
798.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.009 39.635 11.94 35964.4 31671 11.938
799.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.534 45.075 39.635 12.068 36062.1 31710.3 12.067
800.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.075 39.635 12.068 36107.1 31749.8 12.068
801.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.075 39.635 12.068 36152.2 31789.4 12.068
802.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.075 39.635 12.067 36197.3 31829 12.068
803.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.075 39.636 12.067 36242.4 31868.8 12.068
804.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.075 39.636 12.067 36287.4 31908.6 12.067
805.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.075 39.636 12.067 36332.5 31948.6 12.066
806.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.535 45.075 39.636 12.066 36377.6 31988.6 12.065
807.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.536 45.075 39.636 12.066 36422.7 32027.3 12.068
808.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.536 45.075 39.636 12.066 36467.7 32067.5 12.066
809.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.536 45.075 39.636 12.066 36512.8 32107.9 12.064
810.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.536 45.075 39.636 12.065 36557.9 32146.8 12.066
811.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.536 45.075 39.637 12.065 36603 32187.3 12.064
812.05 0.999 13.834 14.599 -5.536 45.075 39.637 12.065 36648 32226.4 12.065
813.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.537 45.075 39.637 12.065 36693.1 32265.6 12.066
814.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.537 45.075 39.637 12.064 36738.2 32306.5 12.063
815.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.537 45.075 39.637 12.064 36783.3 32345.8 12.064
816.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.537 45.075 39.637 12.064 36828.3 32385.3 12.064
817.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.537 45.075 39.637 12.063 36873.4 32424.9 12.064
818.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.537 45.075 39.637 12.063 36918.5 32464.6 12.064
819.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.538 45.075 39.637 12.063 36963.6 32504.3 12.064
820.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.538 45.075 39.638 12.063 37008.6 32544.2 12.063
821.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.538 45.075 39.638 12.062 37053.7 32584.2 12.062
822.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.538 45.075 39.638 12.062 37098.8 32624.2 12.061
823.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.538 45.075 39.638 12.062 37143.9 32664.4 12.06
824.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.538 45.075 39.638 12.062 37188.9 32703 12.063
825.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.538 45.075 39.638 12.061 37234 32743.4 12.061
826.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.539 45.075 39.638 12.061 37279.1 32782.2 12.063
827.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.539 45.075 39.638 12.061 37324.2 32822.8 12.06
828.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.539 45.075 39.639 12.061 37369.2 32861.8 12.062
829.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.539 45.075 39.639 12.06 37414.3 32902.5 12.059
830.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.539 45.075 39.639 12.06 37459.4 32941.7 12.06
831.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.539 45.075 39.639 12.06 37504.5 32981 12.061
832.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.54 45.075 39.639 12.06 37549.5 33020.4 12.062
833.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.54 45.075 39.639 12.059 37594.6 33061.6 12.058
834.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.54 45.075 39.639 12.059 37639.7 33101.1 12.058
835.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.54 45.075 39.639 12.059 37684.8 33140.8 12.058
836.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.54 45.075 39.639 12.059 37729.8 33180.6 12.057
837.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.54 45.075 39.64 12.058 37774.9 33220.5 12.057
838.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.54 45.075 39.64 12.058 37820 33260.5 12.056
839.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.541 45.075 39.64 12.058 37865.1 33298.9 12.059
840.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.541 45.075 39.64 12.058 37910.1 33339 12.058
841.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.541 45.075 39.64 12.057 37955.2 33379.3 12.056
842.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.541 45.075 39.64 12.057 38000.3 33417.9 12.059
843.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.541 45.075 39.64 12.057 38045.3 33458.4 12.057
844.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.541 45.075 39.64 12.057 38090.4 33497.2 12.059
845.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.542 45.075 39.64 12.056 38135.5 33537.9 12.056
846.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.542 45.075 39.641 12.056 38180.6 33576.9 12.058
847.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.542 45.075 39.641 12.056 38225.6 33617.7 12.055
848.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.542 45.075 39.641 12.056 38270.7 33657 12.056
849.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.542 45.075 39.641 12.055 38315.8 33696.3 12.057
850.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.542 45.075 39.641 12.055 38360.9 33735.7 12.057
851.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.542 45.075 39.641 12.055 38405.9 33776.9 12.053
852.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.543 45.075 39.641 12.055 38451 33816.5 12.053
853.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.543 45.075 39.641 12.054 38496.1 33856.2 12.053
854.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.543 45.075 39.641 12.054 38541.2 33896 12.053
855.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.543 45.075 39.642 12.054 38586.2 33935.8 12.052
856.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.543 45.075 39.642 12.054 38631.3 33974.1 12.056
857.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.543 45.075 39.642 12.053 38676.4 34014.1 12.055
858.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.543 45.075 39.642 12.053 38721.5 34054.3 12.053
859.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.544 45.075 39.642 12.053 38766.5 34094.5 12.052
860.05 0.999 13.834 14.6 -5.544 45.075 39.642 12.053 38811.6 34133.1 12.055
861.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.544 45.075 39.642 12.052 38856.7 34173.5 12.052
862.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.544 45.075 39.642 12.052 38901.8 34214.1 12.05
863.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.544 45.075 39.642 12.052 38946.8 34252.9 12.052
864.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.544 45.075 39.643 12.052 38991.9 34291.9 12.054
865.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.544 45.075 39.643 12.052 39037 34332.7 12.051
866.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.075 39.643 12.051 39082.1 34371.8 12.052
867.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.075 39.643 12.051 39127.1 34412.8 12.049
868.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.075 39.643 12.051 39172.2 34452.1 12.05
869.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.544 45.143 39.643 12.183 39276.5 34491.5 12.183
870.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.643 12.183 39321.6 34531 12.183
871.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.643 12.183 39366.8 34570.5 12.183
872.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.643 12.182 39411.9 34610.2 12.183
873.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.643 12.182 39457 34650 12.183
874.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.644 12.182 39502.2 34689.8 12.183
875.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.644 12.182 39547.3 34729.8 12.182
876.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.644 12.181 39592.5 34769.8 12.181
877.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.545 45.143 39.644 12.181 39637.6 34809.9 12.18
878.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.546 45.143 39.644 12.181 39682.8 34848.3 12.183
879.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.546 45.143 39.644 12.181 39727.9 34888.6 12.181
880.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.546 45.143 39.644 12.181 39773 34929 12.179
881.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.546 45.143 39.644 12.18 39818.2 34967.7 12.182
882.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.546 45.143 39.644 12.18 39863.3 35008.3 12.179
883.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.546 45.143 39.645 12.18 39908.5 35047.1 12.181
884.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.546 45.143 39.645 12.18 39953.6 35087.8 12.179
885.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.179 39998.8 35126.9 12.18
886.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.179 40043.9 35167.8 12.177
887.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.179 40089 35207 12.178
888.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.179 40134.2 35246.3 12.179
889.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.179 40179.3 35285.6 12.18
890.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.178 40224.5 35325.1 12.18
891.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.178 40269.6 35366.5 12.176
892.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.547 45.143 39.645 12.178 40314.8 35406.1 12.176
893.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.548 45.143 39.646 12.178 40359.9 35445.8 12.176
894.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.548 45.143 39.646 12.177 40405 35485.6 12.175
895.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.548 45.143 39.646 12.177 40450.2 35523.6 12.179
896.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.548 45.143 39.646 12.177 40495.3 35563.6 12.179
897.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.548 45.143 39.646 12.177 40540.5 35603.6 12.178
898.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.548 45.143 39.646 12.177 40585.6 35643.8 12.176
899.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.548 45.143 39.646 12.176 40630.8 35684 12.175
900.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.646 12.176 40675.9 35722.4 12.178
901.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.646 12.176 40721 35762.9 12.176
902.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.646 12.176 40766.2 35803.4 12.174
903.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.646 12.176 40811.3 35842.1 12.176
904.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.647 12.175 40856.5 35882.8 12.174
905.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.647 12.175 40901.6 35921.6 12.176
906.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.647 12.175 40946.8 35962.5 12.173
907.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.549 45.143 39.647 12.175 40991.9 36001.5 12.174
908.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.55 45.143 39.647 12.174 41037 36040.6 12.176
909.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.55 45.143 39.647 12.174 41082.2 36081.7 12.172
910.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.55 45.143 39.647 12.174 41127.3 36121 12.173
911.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.55 45.143 39.647 12.174 41172.5 36160.4 12.173
912.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.55 45.143 39.647 12.174 41217.6 36199.8 12.174
913.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.55 45.143 39.647 12.173 41262.8 36239.3 12.174
914.05 0.999 13.834 14.601 -5.55 45.143 39.648 12.173 41307.9 36278.9 12.174
915.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.55 45.143 39.648 12.173 41353 36318.7 12.174
916.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.173 41398.2 36358.4 12.174
917.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.173 41443.3 36398.3 12.173
918.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.172 41488.5 36438.3 12.173
919.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.172 41533.6 36478.3 12.172
920.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.172 41578.8 36518.5 12.17
921.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.172 41623.9 36556.7 12.174
922.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.172 41669 36597 12.172
923.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.551 45.143 39.648 12.171 41714.2 36637.4 12.17
924.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.648 12.171 41759.3 36675.9 12.173
925.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.649 12.171 41804.5 36716.4 12.171
926.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.649 12.171 41849.6 36757.1 12.169
927.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.649 12.17 41894.8 36795.8 12.171
928.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.649 12.17 41939.9 36836.7 12.168
929.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.649 12.17 41985 36875.5 12.17
930.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.649 12.17 42030.2 36914.5 12.171
931.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.552 45.143 39.649 12.17 42075.3 36955.6 12.168
932.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.649 12.169 42120.5 36994.8 12.169
933.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.649 12.169 42165.6 37034 12.17
934.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.649 12.169 42210.8 37073.3 12.171
935.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.649 12.169 42255.9 37114.7 12.167
936.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.65 12.169 42301 37154.2 12.167
937.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.65 12.168 42346.2 37193.8 12.167
938.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.65 12.168 42391.3 37233.4 12.167
939.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.553 45.143 39.65 12.168 42436.5 37273.1 12.167
940.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.65 12.168 42481.6 37312.9 12.167
941.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.65 12.168 42526.8 37352.8 12.166
942.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.65 12.167 42571.9 37392.8 12.166
943.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.65 12.167 42617 37430.7 12.17
944.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.65 12.167 42662.2 37470.9 12.168
945.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.65 12.167 42707.3 37511.1 12.167
946.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.65 12.167 42752.5 37551.4 12.165
947.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.651 12.166 42797.6 37589.7 12.169
948.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.143 39.651 12.166 42842.8 37630.2 12.167
949.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.143 39.651 12.166 42887.9 37670.8 12.165
950.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.143 39.651 12.166 42933 37709.3 12.167
951.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.143 39.651 12.166 42978.2 37750 12.165
952.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.213 39.651 12.302 43090.5 37788.7 12.304
953.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.554 45.213 39.651 12.302 43135.7 37829.6 12.301
954.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.651 12.302 43180.9 37868.5 12.303
955.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.651 12.302 43226.2 37909.6 12.3
956.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.651 12.302 43271.4 37948.6 12.301
957.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.651 12.302 43316.6 37987.7 12.302
958.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.652 12.301 43361.8 38026.8 12.303
959.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.652 12.301 43407 38068.3 12.299
960.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.652 12.301 43452.2 38107.6 12.3
961.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.555 45.213 39.652 12.301 43497.4 38147 12.301
962.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.301 43542.6 38186.5 12.301
963.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.3 43587.9 38226.1 12.301
964.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.3 43633.1 38265.7 12.301
965.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.3 43678.3 38305.5 12.301
966.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.3 43723.5 38345.3 12.301
967.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.3 43768.7 38385.2 12.3
968.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.299 43813.9 38425.2 12.299
969.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.652 12.299 43859.1 38465.3 12.298
970.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.556 45.213 39.653 12.299 43904.4 38505.4 12.297
971.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.299 43949.6 38543.4 12.301
972.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.299 43994.8 38583.8 12.299
973.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.299 44040 38624.2 12.298
974.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.298 44085.2 38662.4 12.301
975.05 0.999 13.834 14.602 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.298 44130.4 38703 12.299
976.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.298 44175.6 38743.6 12.296
977.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.298 44220.8 38782.1 12.299
978.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.298 44266.1 38822.9 12.296
979.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.557 45.213 39.653 12.297 44311.3 38861.6 12.299
980.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.653 12.297 44356.5 38902.5 12.296
981.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.653 12.297 44401.7 38941.3 12.298
982.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.654 12.297 44446.9 38982.5 12.294
983.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.654 12.297 44492.1 39021.4 12.296
984.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.654 12.296 44537.3 39060.5 12.297
985.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.654 12.296 44582.6 39099.6 12.299
986.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.654 12.296 44627.8 39141.1 12.294
987.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.654 12.296 44673 39180.3 12.295
988.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.558 45.213 39.654 12.296 44718.2 39219.7 12.296
989.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.654 12.296 44763.4 39259.1 12.296
990.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.654 12.295 44808.6 39298.6 12.297
991.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.654 12.295 44853.8 39338.2 12.297
992.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.654 12.295 44899 39377.8 12.297
993.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.654 12.295 44944.3 39417.6 12.297
994.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.655 12.295 44989.5 39457.4 12.296
995.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.655 12.295 45034.7 39497.3 12.296
996.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.655 12.294 45079.9 39537.3 12.295
997.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.655 12.294 45125.1 39577.4 12.294
998.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.559 45.213 39.655 12.294 45170.3 39617.5 12.293
999.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.294 45215.5 39657.7 12.292
1000.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.294 45260.8 39695.7 12.296
1001.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.293 45306 39736.1 12.294
1002.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.293 45351.2 39776.5 12.292
1003.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.293 45396.4 39814.7 12.296
1004.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.293 45441.6 39855.3 12.293
1005.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.293 45486.8 39896 12.291
1006.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.655 12.293 45532 39934.4 12.294
1007.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.56 45.213 39.656 12.292 45577.2 39975.3 12.291
1008.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.292 45622.5 40013.8 12.294
1009.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.292 45667.7 40054.9 12.291
1010.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.292 45712.9 40093.6 12.293
1011.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.292 45758.1 40134.8 12.289
1012.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.292 45803.3 40173.6 12.291
1013.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.291 45848.5 40212.5 12.293
1014.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.291 45893.7 40254 12.289
1015.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.291 45939 40293.1 12.29
1016.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.291 45984.2 40332.2 12.291
1017.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.561 45.213 39.656 12.291 46029.4 40371.5 12.292
1018.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.656 12.291 46074.6 40410.8 12.293
1019.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.656 12.29 46119.8 40452.6 12.288
1020.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.29 46165 40492.1 12.288
1021.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.29 46210.2 40531.6 12.289
1022.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.29 46255.4 40571.3 12.289
1023.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.29 46300.7 40611 12.289
1024.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.29 46345.9 40650.7 12.288
1025.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.289 46391.1 40690.6 12.288
1026.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.289 46436.3 40730.5 12.287
1027.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.562 45.213 39.657 12.289 46481.5 40770.5 12.287
1028.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.657 12.289 46526.7 40808.1 12.291
1029.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.657 12.289 46571.9 40848.3 12.29
1030.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.657 12.289 46617.2 40888.5 12.289
1031.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.657 12.288 46662.4 40928.9 12.287
1032.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.657 12.288 46707.6 40969.3 12.286
1033.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.658 12.288 46752.8 41007.2 12.289
1034.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.658 12.288 46798 41047.8 12.287
1035.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.658 12.288 46843.2 41088.4 12.285
1036.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.658 12.288 46888.4 41126.6 12.289
1037.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.563 45.213 39.658 12.287 46933.6 41167.4 12.286
1038.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.287 46978.9 41205.7 12.289
1039.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.287 47024.1 41246.6 12.286
1040.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.287 47069.3 41285.1 12.289
1041.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.287 47114.5 41326.2 12.286
1042.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.287 47159.7 41364.8 12.288
1043.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.286 47204.9 41406.1 12.284
1044.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.286 47250.1 41444.8 12.286
1045.05 0.999 13.834 14.603 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.286 47295.4 41483.7 12.288
1046.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.564 45.213 39.658 12.286 47340.6 41525.2 12.284
1047.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.564 45.213 39.659 12.286 47385.8 41564.2 12.286
1048.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.213 39.659 12.286 47431 41603.2 12.287
1049.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.213 39.659 12.285 47476.2 41642.4 12.288
1050.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.213 39.659 12.285 47521.4 41684.2 12.283
1051.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.213 39.659 12.285 47566.6 41723.5 12.284
1052.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.564 45.287 39.659 12.427 47689 41762.8 12.427
1053.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.564 45.287 39.659 12.427 47734.3 41802.2 12.427
1054.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.659 12.427 47779.6 41841.8 12.428
1055.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.659 12.426 47824.9 41881.3 12.428
1056.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.659 12.426 47870.2 41921 12.428
1057.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.659 12.426 47915.4 41960.7 12.428
1058.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.659 12.426 47960.7 42000.5 12.427
1059.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.659 12.426 48006 42040.4 12.427
1060.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.659 12.426 48051.3 42080.4 12.426
1061.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.66 12.426 48096.6 42120.4 12.425
1062.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.66 12.425 48141.9 42160.5 12.425
1063.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.565 45.287 39.66 12.425 48187.2 42200.7 12.423
1064.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.425 48232.5 42238.3 12.428
1065.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.425 48277.7 42278.6 12.426
1066.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.425 48323 42319 12.425
1067.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.425 48368.3 42359.5 12.423
1068.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.424 48413.6 42397.4 12.427
1069.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.424 48458.9 42438 12.425
1070.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.424 48504.2 42478.7 12.423
1071.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.424 48549.5 42516.8 12.426
1072.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.424 48594.8 42557.6 12.423
1073.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.424 48640 42595.9 12.426
1074.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.566 45.287 39.66 12.424 48685.3 42636.9 12.424
1075.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.423 48730.6 42678 12.421
1076.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.423 48775.9 42716.4 12.423
1077.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.423 48821.2 42754.9 12.426
1078.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.423 48866.5 42796.2 12.422
1079.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.423 48911.8 42834.9 12.424
1080.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.423 48957 42876.3 12.421
1081.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.422 49002.3 42915.1 12.422
1082.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.422 49047.6 42954 12.424
1083.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.422 49092.9 42995.7 12.42
1084.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.422 49138.2 43034.7 12.421
1085.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.567 45.287 39.661 12.422 49183.5 43073.8 12.422
1086.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.661 12.422 49228.8 43112.9 12.423
1087.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.661 12.422 49274 43152.1 12.424
1088.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.661 12.421 49319.3 43194.2 12.419
1089.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.661 12.421 49364.6 43233.6 12.42
1090.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.421 49409.9 43273 12.42
1091.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.421 49455.2 43312.5 12.421
1092.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.421 49500.5 43352.1 12.421
1093.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.421 49545.8 43391.8 12.421
1094.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.421 49591.1 43431.5 12.421
1095.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.42 49636.3 43471.3 12.421
1096.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.42 49681.6 43511.1 12.42
1097.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.568 45.287 39.662 12.42 49726.9 43551.1 12.42
1098.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.569 45.287 39.662 12.42 49772.2 43591.1 12.419
1099.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.569 45.287 39.662 12.42 49817.5 43631.2 12.418
1100.05 0.999 13.834 14.604 -5.569 45.287 39.662 12.42 49862.8 43671.3 12.417

Data values: H0=66.89 km/sec/Mpc; Matter density%=0.32%; Dark energy density %=0.68% Thermal energy density %=0%


We would like to emphasize the fact that, the basic principles of cosmology were developed when the subject of cosmology was in its budding stage. Friedmann made two simple assumptions about the universe [50]. They can be stated in the following way.

• When viewed at large enough scales, universe appears the same in every direction.

• When viewed at large enough scales, universe appears the same from every location.

In this context, Hawking expressed that: “There is no scientific evidence for the Friedmann’s second assumption [51]. We believe it only on the grounds of modesty: it would be the most remarkable if the universe looked the same in every direction around us, but not around other points in the universe”. Proceeding further, current galactic observations and advanced technology raise many doubts on the validity of Friedmann’s first assumption. It may be noted that,

• There is no clear cut mechanism for understanding big bang.

• Whether big bang followed known physical laws or not - is unclear and unknown.

• Mass and size of universe pertaining to pre and post big bang are unclear.

• Applying Planck scale physics to big bang notion seems to be ambiguous.

• As there exist no clear reasons for understanding the occurrence of exponential expansion, cosmologists are having different opinions on cosmic inflation.

• So far, it has not yet been possible to establish solid connection between Planck scale and current physical parameters of the observable universe.

• Cosmologists are having different opinions on dark energy and dark matter.

• So far, no observation and no experiment confirmed the existence of dark energy or dark matter.

• Quantum cosmology is in its budding stage and cosmologists are seriously working on quantum models of cosmology [52- 54].

• No cosmologist is clear about the origin of cosmic thermal radiation [55]. In this context, our proposed model of quantum cosmology is practical and very simple to follow [18-21].

• To have rotation, universe should have a closed or positive curvature. Three most recent technical papers [56,57,58] published in three very high impact journals seem to support a closed universe. In this context, we would like to recall the views of Di Valentino, Melchiorri and Silk [56]. According their analysis and interpretation, observed enhanced lensing amplitude of cosmic microwave background radiation can be explained with a positive curvature of the universe at 99% confidence level. According to George Ellis and Julien Larena, the possibility that the universe might be positively curved, although it would not solve all the existing tensions at once, opens exciting theoretical possibilities for cosmology [57]. Proceeding further, according to Will Handley - In light of the inconsistency between Planck, CMB lensing and BAO data in the context of curved universes, cosmologists can no longer conclude that observations support a flat universe [58].

• Hubble’s observations can also be studied with rotating and expanding models of cosmology [30].

As per the papers published in Astronomical Journal 2012 and Nature-Scientific Reports 2016, data pertaining to 580 to 740 super novae clearly reveal that, universe is expanding at an uniform rate [13, 21]. In 2018-2019, the same result has been obtained by a student Lisa Goh Wan Khee of National University of Singapore supervised by Cindy Ng [59]. This information can be considered as a base for light speed cosmic expansion.

Here it seems reasonable to consider the views of Moshe Carmeli and team on red shift dependent cosmic time. It can be expressed as This relation and our proposal, both, seem to cast doubt on the currently believed cosmic red shift-time relation [60]. In addition to that, based on our proposal, above expression can also be expressed as, where

Now, the fundamental question to be answered is: Maintaining their black hole nature as-it-is, how massive black holes will grow in the expanding universe? In this context, recently, K.S. Crocker and team proposed that, during cosmic expansion and increasing cosmic age [61],

• All material particles will grow in their mass content while universe is expanding.

• Massive objects like black holes will have a significant increase in their mass content [62].

• This mechanism can be called as ‘Cosmological coupling’.

• Magnitude of cosmological coupling increases with increasing mass of the object.

• In case of observed massive black holes this seems to be true and this mechanism can be recommended for testing in near future.

Based on our proposal, if universe is really a black hole and is really expanding with speed of light, then, forever, maintaining its black hole structure ‘as-it-is’, universe can be expected to have an increase in mass during its light speed expansion [18].


Considering the four major cosmological coincidences proposed in previous sections, there is a scope for reviewing the standard model of cosmology. In reality, it is absolutely impossible to reach the core of a black hole. Following our approach, it seems practically possible to swim in the light speed expanding or growing black hole universe. Physicists agree that Hawking’s findings about black holes are the most important contributions to physics in recent decades. In this context, we appeal the science community to review our simple and logical proposals for a better understanding of cosmic physics in terms of light speed expanding black hole universe having thermal radiation.


Author Seshavatharam is indebted to professors Dr. E.T. Tatum, Dr. L. Shamir, Shri M. Nagaphani Sarma, Chairman, Shri K.V. Krishna Murthy, founder Chairman, Institute of Scientific Research in Vedas (I-SERVE), Hyderabad, India and Shri K.V.R.S. Murthy, former scientist IICT (CSIR), Govt. of India, Director, Research and Development, I-SERVE, for their valuable guidance and great support in developing this subject.
