Journal Of Medical And Surgical Urology

 Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology   Urology, the word originates from Greek word ouron for urine and logia for study of. It can be described as a branch of medicine and physiology that focuses on the functions and disorders of the urinary system. Urology comprises of the study and treatment of both the medical and surgical conditions. The medical conditions may include urinary tract infections, benign prostatic hyperplasia etc. whereas the surgical conditions may involve dealing with bladder or prostate cancer, kidney stones, traumatic injury, stress incontinence and congenital abnormalities. The Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology of Omics group international is an international peer reviewed journal which publishes latest and original papers in the field of medical and surgical urology. It is also associated with various conferences in the field of medical and surgical urology. Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology’s original research and review articles has inspired medical professionals across the globe in many ways and helping them in continuing their research.

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